Pierre Charles Trémolières

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Attributed to the Birth of Venus , Trémolières

Pierre Charles Trémolières (* 1703 in Cholet ; † May 11, 1739 in Paris ) was a French painter of the 18th century.

Trémolières was a student of Jean-Baptiste van Loo , the brother of Charles André van Loo . In 1726 he won the second Prix ​​de Rome , from 1728 he lived and worked as a pensioner at the French Academy for six years in Rome. Shortly before his departure, on September 4, 1734, he married Isabella Tibaldi, the sister of the miniature painter Maria Felice Subleyras . After his return to Paris in 1737 he was accepted at the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture with the painting Naufrage d'Ulysse abordant dans l'île de Calypso ( Musée Fabre , Montpellier) . From the same year he was involved in the interior decoration of the Hôtel de Soubise with several dessus-de-porte (canvas paintings embedded in the wall paneling), including the painting Hercule et Hébé enchaînés par l'Amour avec des guirlandes de fleurs . He received the order from the royal tapestry manufactory for four large tapestry boxes on the subject of Les quatre Âges du Monde , of which he was only able to partially complete the first picture.

His paintings are now owned by museums in Cholet , Budapest , Dijon and Montpellier, among others . Drawings by his hand can be found in the Louvre and in the museums of Besançon , Cholet and Rennes .


  • Pierre Marie Gault de Saint-Germain: Les trois siècles de la peinture en France, ou Galerie des peintres français, depuis François Ier jusqu'au règne de Napoléon, empereur et roi, où l'on aperçoit l'influence des moeurs, de la politique et des réputations, sur les progrès et la décadence de cet art. Paris 1808. ( digitized version )
  • Trémolières (Tremollière), Pierre Charles . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 33 : Theodotos vacation . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1939, p. 374 .

Web links

Commons : Pierre Charles Trémolières  - Collection of images, videos and audio files