Pierre Grimal

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Pierre Grimal (born November 21, 1912 in Paris , † October 11, 1996 ibid) was a French classical philologist and ancient historian . Grimal is considered to be one of the most influential and effective classical philologists of the 20th century.

Grimal studied from 1932 at the École Normale Superieure . In 1935 Grimal became Agrégé des Lettres , from 1935 to 1937 he was a member of the École française de Rome . There he was a student of Jean Bayet and Jérôme Carcopino . Then he was a high school teacher in Rennes . In 1944 he received his doctorate on the gardens of the Romans (Les Jardins romains. Essai sur le naturalisme romain). In 1941 he was appointed to a professorship at the University of Caen , where he stayed until 1945. He then moved to the University of Bordeaux until 1952 . From 1952 he taught Latin Philology and Roman Culture at the Sorbonne in Paris .

Grimal wrote numerous books both of a scientific nature, of a popular scientific nature and even in fictional form. His main work is La Civilization Romaine , published in 1960 , which was quickly translated into other languages, including German in 1961 ("Roman Cultural History"). He became known to the general public as co-author of the sixth and seventh volumes of Fischer Weltgeschichte and as editor of the work “Myths of the Peoples”.

Grimal also wrote historical novels (Mémoires de T. Pomponius Atticus, Mémoires d'Agrippine, Le procès de Néron) and translated from the Latin Cicero , Seneca , Frontinus (On the Aqueducts of Rome), Tacitus (Complete Works, La Pleiade), Apuleius , Petronius (Satyricon), Plautus (complete works) and Terenz (complete works) into French. From the Greek he translated Heliodorus , Lukian of Samosata , Flavius ​​Philostratus , Longos , Achilleus Tatios , Chariton of Aphrodisias (all in the series of Greek and Roman novels of the Bibliothèque de la Pléiade ).

In 1964 he became a Knight of the Legion of Honor . In 1975 he became a member of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres and was its president in 1985.

The Egyptologist Nicolas Grimal is his son, the Latinist Florence Dupont his daughter.

Publications (selection)

German editions:

  • Roman cultural history . Droemer / Knaur, Munich 1961 (Original: La civilization romaine ).
  • In search of ancient Italy . Verlag Heinrich Scheffler, Frankfurt am Main 1965 (Original: A la Recherche de l'Italie antique . Librairie Hachette, Paris).
  • Seneca. Power and powerlessness of the spirit , Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 1978 (Impulse of Research, Volume 24) (Original: Sénèque ) ISBN 3-534-06075-X .
  • (Ed.): The Hellenism and the Rise of Rome: The Mediterranean World in Antiquity II , Fischer, Frankfurt 1965 ( Fischer Weltgeschichte )
  • (Ed.): The construction of the Roman Empire: The Mediterranean world in antiquity III , Fischer Weltgeschichte, Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1966, 1981, ISBN 3-596-60007-3 .
  • Love in Old Rome , Societäts-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1981 (Original: L 'amour à Rome ) ISBN 3-7973-0376-9 .
  • Virgil. Biography , Artemis, Zurich-Munich 1987, (Original: Virgile ou la seconde naissance de Rome ) ISBN 3-7608-0722-4 .
  • Cicero. Philosopher, politician, rhetorician , List, Munich 1988 (Original: Cicéron ) ISBN 3-471-77649-4 .
  • Pompeii. Place of the Mysteries , Metamorphosis, Munich 1993 (Original: Pompéi ) ISBN 3-928692-06-2 .
  • The churches of Rome. Splendid symbols of eternity , Belser 2006
  • with Eckart Peterich Gods and Heroes: the classic myths and legends of the Greeks, Romans and Teutons , dtv, Munich 2000
  • Ancient Italy , Societäts Verlag, 1979
  • In Search of Ancient Italy ; Scheffler 1965, Lübbe 1978
  • Editor Mythen der Völker , 3 volumes, Fischer Bücherei, Frankfurt a. M. 1967. German first edition of Mythologies , Librairie Larousse, Paris 1963

French editions:

  • Dictionnaire de la mythologie grecque et romaine , publié aux Presses universitaires de France (PUF), 1951, 5th edition 1976
  • with Adrien Cart, Jacques Lamaison, Roger Noiville: Grammaire latine , Nathan, 1955–2007
  • Romans grecs et latins , Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 1958 (with translations)
  • Le siècle des Scipions: Rome et l'hellénisme au temps des guerres puniques , Aubier, 2nd edition 1975
  • La littérature latine , PUF, Que sais-je?, 1965
  • La mythologie grecque , PUF Que sais-je?, 9th edition 1978
  • L'art des jardins , PUF Que sais-je?, 3rd edition 1974
  • Les villes romaines , PUF Que sais-je?, 1954, 7th edition 1990
  • La vie de la Rome antique , PUF, Que sais-je?, 1994
  • Le siècle d'Auguste , PUF Que sais-je?, 1965
  • Petite histoire de la mythologie et des dieux , Fernand Nathan, 1954
  • Dans les pas des césars , Hachette, 1955
  • Horace , Éditions du Seuil, 1955
  • La civilization romaine , foreword by Raymond Bloch , Arthaud, 1960, 4th edition 1970 ( Les grandes civilizations series )
  • Italie retrouvée , PUF, 1979
  • Nous partons pour Rome , PUF, 3rd edition 1977
  • L'amour à Rome , Belles Lettres, 1979
  • Histoire mondiale de la femme , Nouvelle Librairie de France, 1965
  • Étude de chronologie cicéronienne , Belles Lettres, 1977
  • Essai sur L'Art poétique d'Horace , Paris SEDES, 1968
  • Le guide de l'étudiant latiniste , PUF, 1971
  • La "Guerre civile" de Pétrone, dans ses reports avec la "Pharsale" , Belles Lettres, 1977
  • Le lyrisme à Rome , PUF, 1978
  • Sénèque ou La conscience de l'Empire , Belles Lettres, 1978
  • Le théâtre antique , PUF, Que sais-je?, 1978
  • Le Quercy de Pierre Grimal , Arthaud, 1978
  • Sénèque , PUF Que sais-je, 1981
  • with C. Carcopino and P. Oubliac: Jérôme Carcopino , un historien au service de l'humanisme , Belles Lettres, 1981
  • Rome: les siècles et les jours , Arthaud, 1982
  • Virgile ou La seconde naissance de Rome , Arthaud, 1985
  • Rome, la littérature et l'histoire , École française de Rome, 1986
  • Cicéron , Fayard, 1986
  • Les Ereurs de la liberté , Belles Lettres, 1989
  • Le merveilleux voyage d'Ulysse , Le Rocher, 1989
  • Tacite , Fayard, 1990
  • Pompéi: demeures secrètes , Imprimerie nationale, 1992
  • L'Empire romain , éditions de Fallois, 1993
  • Savoir se penser , Eshel, 1994
  • Marc-Aurèle , Fayard, 1994
  • La littérature latine , Fayard, 1994
  • L'âme romaine , Perrin, 1997.
  • Églises de Rome , Imprimerie nationale, 1997
  • Le dieu Janus et les origines de Rome , Berg international, 1999
  • Histoire de Rome , Mille et une nuits, 2003.
  • Voyage à Rome , Laffont, (Bouquins), 2004.
  • Rome et l'amour , Robert Laffont, 2007


  • Le procès de Néron , éditions de Fallois, 1995
  • Les Mémoires d'Agrippine , éditions de Fallois, 1992
    • German translation: The she-wolf of Rome. Roman , Goldmann, Munich 1994 ISBN 3-442-42324-4 .
  • Les mémoires de T. Pomponius Atticus , Belles Lettres, Paris 1976,

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