Pierre de vielle-Bride

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Pierre de vielle-Bride
engraving around 1725
Grandmaster coat of arms of Pierre de vielle-Bride

Pierre de vielle-Bride , also Pierre de Villebride, Pierre de Vieille-Brioude, Petrus Villebridanus, Petrus de Wluebride (* around 1200, † around 1253 in Margat , Syria ) was the 18th Grand Master of the Order of St. John from 1239/40 to 1242 .

He comes from the Vieille-Brioude domain in the south of the Auvergne . In February 1217 he can be traced in the Holy Land in the vicinity of the Grand Master Garin de Montaigu , who also came from the Auvergne. After the Grand Master Bertrand de Comps died in 1239, he became his successor in 1239 or 1240. In the first months of his tenure he stayed in the Margat Ordensburg , from where he coordinated the fight of the Order against the Sultan of Aleppo .

During the barons' crusade in 1240 he concluded a neutrality agreement with the Sultan of Cairo , al-Salih Ayyub , against his uncle and rival al-Salih Ismail , the Sultan of Damascus , and received some lands in return, including Ascalon . He entered into rivalry with the Knights Templar , which in turn had concluded an alliance with as-Salih Ismail and received from him lands and castles in Galilee . Both sides finally managed to maintain neutrality and to keep the preserved lands.

Apparently he resigned as Grand Master in 1242, after which Guillaume de Chateauneuf became his successor.

In 1244, the Order's army, together with the army of the Crusader states and allies , surrendered to an army of the Sultan of Cairo, which was reinforced by choresmists . The following battle of La Forbie ended in a fiasco, only 16 Knights of St. John were able to escape from the battlefield. Pierre is also believed to have been captured.

He died around 1253, probably in Margat. He was buried in the sepulchral chapel of the Johanniterkommende Akkon . The grave inscription names the date of death XV days before the calendar of October MCCXLII, ie September 17, 1242. In a document of the order from 1253, a Pierre de vielle-Bride is mentioned as a simple witness.


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Individual evidence

  1. Peter Jackson: The Crusades of 1239-1241 and their Aftermath. In: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. Volume 50, 1987, ISSN 0041-977X, pp. 32-60.
  2. ^ Ze'ev Goldmann : The buildings of the Order of St. John in Akkon. In: Adam Wienand (Ed.): The Order of St. John. The Order of Malta. The knightly order of St. John from the hospital in Jerusalem. Its tasks, its history. Wienand, Cologne 1977, ISBN 3-87909-076-9 , pp. 108–115, here p. 110.
predecessor Office successor
Bertrand de Comps Grand Master of the Order of St. John
1239 / 40–1242
Guillaume de Chateauneuf