Piet Hein (ship, 1937)

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Piet Hein
At Sail Amsterdam 2010
At Sail Amsterdam 2010
Ship data
flag NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands
Ship type Motor yacht
Shipping company Piet Hein Foundation Rotterdam
Shipyard De Vries Lentsch, Amsterdam
Keel laying March 25, 1937
Launch August 14, 1937
Commissioning August 28, 1937
Ship dimensions and crew
31.29 m ( Lüa )
width 5.49 m
Draft Max. 1.53 m
measurement 147 GRT
Machine system
machine 2 × Stork diesel engine
performanceTemplate: Infobox ship / maintenance / service format
320 hp (235 kW)
propeller 2 × fixed propellers
Machinery from 1980
machine 2 × DAF diesel engine (type: 1160M)
420 hp (309 kW)
Transport capacities
Permitted number of passengers 6th
ENI 02717380

The motor yacht Piet Hein was the wedding present from the Dutch people to Princess Juliane and Prince Bernhard . After the engagement was published in September 1936, a committee was formed for a national wedding present. Money was raised all over the country for a yacht and for work on Palais Soestdijk . A technical commission was entrusted with the construction of the yacht, the wish of the prince couple for a ship for the inland waters was taken into account.


The design of the yacht comes from the technical office HW De Vogt in Haarlem. On March 25, 1937, the keel for the yacht was laid at the Amsterdam shipyard De Vries Lentsch . The ship was launched after just under five months and on August 28, 1937, the ship was handed over to the royal couple. Until 1940 the boat was often used for trips with state guests. In September 1940, the German Wehrmacht confiscated the boat and transferred it to Emden on September 28th . It was returned to the Netherlands on May 17, 1945 and, after extensive overhaul work, to the royal family at the end of September 1945. During the storm surge in 1953 , the yacht was used for evacuation.

In 1979, Queen Juliane and Prince Bernhard set up a foundation for the ship's use as a museum. In 1980 it was completely overhauled in Den Helder and on December 12th of that year the royal couple took one last, short trip with the yacht. Another general overhaul took place with interruptions between 1985 and 1990, from 2014 to August 2015 the yacht was completely restored and the underwater hull renewed. It has been possible to charter the Piet Hein since 2017 . The ship is part of the Dutch sailing cultural heritage (Nationaal Maritiem Erfgoed).


The approximately 32-meter-long yacht is a displacer with a transom . The shipbuilding steel hull was originally riveted. In the course of various overhauls it was welded and provided with rolling keels. The drive consists of two 210 hp DAF diesel engines, type DK 1160 M; up to 1980 there were two Stork eight-cylinder engines with 160 hp each on two fixed propellers. In the bow the ship has a transverse thruster for better maneuvering. A four-cylinder Mitsubishi engine with generator is installed for the power supply and has an output of 20  kVA . The superstructures are partly made of wood. Accommodation for a crew of five and six passengers is on board. Up to 30 passengers are permitted for day tours.

Web links

Commons : Piet Hein  - collection of images, videos and audio files