Pieter Rembrantsz van Nierop

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Pieter Rembrantsz van Nierop

Pieter Rembrantsz van Nierop (* 1640 in Nieuwe Niedorp , † 1708 in Hoorn ) was a Dutch cartographer , astronomer , mathematician and surveyor of the 17th century.

He was particularly well-known as the author, editor and reviser of numerous almanacs in which the levels of the sun, moon and tides were regularly recorded. They were of great importance in the seafaring nation of the Netherlands. From 1678 to 1708 more than a hundred almanacs with his name appeared.

He also worked with his uncle Dirck Rembrantsz van Nierop , whose name he adopted (initially his name was Pieter Oomes von Nierop).

Other well-known authors of almanacs in the Netherlands in the 17th and 18th centuries were Jan Albertsz van Dam (also a student of Dirck Rembrantsz van Nierop) and Andreas van Luchtenburg .


  • Lootmans Weghwijzer, with Dirck Rembrantsz van Nierop, published by Hendrick Doncker, Amsterdam 1664
  • 't Nieuw Stuurmans Graedboeck, Hendrick Doncker, Amsterdam 1685
  • Kort understood van alle Langhs- en Dwars-Coursen, C.Lootsman, Amsterdam 1686
  • Generale beschrijving der Son Eclipsen, Wed Th.Lootsman, Amsterdam 1683 (General description of solar eclipses)
  • Naam-wyser, Otto Smient, Amsterdam 1688
  • Hoogste watergetyden, J. van Gemert, Rotterdam 1707
  • Brieven by eenige Wiskonstenaren schreven aan Dirck Rembrantsz van Nierop met zijne antwoorden op dezelve (1653–1682), 64 letters, published 1685 (correspondence of his uncle Dirck Rembrantsz van Nierop)
  • Verbeterde Schatkamer, Hendrick Doncker and Hendrik Harmens Boterenbrood, Amsterdam, 1696


Van Nierop wrote and edited many almanacs, including:

  • Koopmans comptoir almanach, A. Magnus, Amsterdam 1684
  • Zaagmans comptoir almanach, Gerrit Saeghman, Amsterdam 1685
  • Comptoir almanach, Jacob van Campen, Amsterdam
  • Almanach, W. von Trier, Alkmaar
  • Utrechtse almanach, A. van Paddenburgh, Utrecht 1694
  • Dordrechtse almanach, Joannes van Braam, Dordrecht 1699
  • Nieropper-Enkhuyzer almanach, W. van Bloemen, Amsterdam


  • Mathematical Liefhebberij 1745-1769, Jacob Oostwoud . University of Amsterdam
  • Correspondence of Dirck Rembrantsz van Nierop . Rienk Vermij 1996