Tolyatti Peak

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Tolyatti Peak
location Queen Maud Land , East Antarctica
Mountains Kurzegebirge in Orvinfjella
Coordinates 71 ° 54 '0 "  S , 8 ° 44' 0"  E Coordinates: 71 ° 54 '0 "  S , 8 ° 44' 0"  E
Tolyatti Peak (Antarctica)
Tolyatti Peak

The Pik Tol'jatti ( English transcription of Russian Пик Тольятти spades Tolyatti ) is a mountain peak in the East Antarctic Queen Maud Land . In short Mountains of the Orvin Mountains it rises northwest of the Lokehellene on the western edge of the Nupsskarvet on.

Russian scientists named him. As namesake come the Russian city Tolyatti or its namesake, the Italian politician Palmiro Togliatti (1893-1964), in question.

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