Police crime prevention of the states and the federal government

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The police crime prevention program of the federal states and the federal government (ProPK) is a program run by the German police authorities with the aim of educating the population , multipliers , mass media and other prevention agencies about forms of crime and ways of preventing them.


Two principle papers are decisive for the work of the ProPK: the framework concept and the communication concept.

The ProPK supports the local police stations in their prevention work through targeted crime-prevention press and public relations work and through the development and publication of media, measures and concepts.

Basic idea

The idea behind the program is that safety is an essential basic human need and thus an essential part of quality of life. Crime prevention could make a fundamental contribution to strengthening security or the feeling of security in this context. Crime prevention encompasses all state and private programs and measures that aim to prevent, reduce or minimize the consequences of crime as a social phenomenon or as an individual event.

Crime prevention sees itself as a task for society as a whole. To do justice to it should be achieved by means of a sustainable strategy and an overarching, integrative overall concept. In addition to the police and politics, other governmental and non-governmental agencies such as business, the media and the population should also be included in the responsibility.

Effective prevention work is increasingly proving to be a decisive location factor . This shows that security is an essential prerequisite for economic development and stability. Through cooperation on all levels of society, crime prevention should make a significant contribution to the creation of a climate of self-confidence, tolerance and solidarity from which - also in an economic sense - security can grow.

Board structure

On July 1, 1997, the forces in the area of ​​police crime prevention were bundled in a “specialist train” consisting of project management, commission and the central office for police crime prevention.

The project management decides on all fundamental questions of police crime prevention with transnational relevance. It represents the strategic level of the ProPK.

The commission carries out the conceptual work within the strategic specifications of the project management. For this purpose, the individual members have specialized in certain prevention topics. All 16 federal states and the Federal Criminal Police Office are represented in the commission. As a rule, members are the heads of the central offices for prevention of the state criminal investigation offices. Representatives of the Police Leadership Academy and the Border Guard Directorate take part as advisory members.

The central office at the Baden-Württemberg State Criminal Police Office coordinates the cross-border activities of police crime prevention in the committees and in cooperation with non-police prevention agencies. She manages the business of the project management and the commission. In addition, she maintains contact with other police bodies. The head of the office is criminal director Meyer and criminal chief Schmidt; Its predecessor was Chief Criminal Police Officer Hepp, who was seconded to the German Forum for Crime Prevention Foundation in 2013 . The chairman of the commission is chief crime officer Salgmann.

Web links


  1. Framework concept and communication concept - polizei-beratung.de
  2. ↑ Committee structure - polizei-beratung.de