Pore ​​lichen

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Pore ​​lichen
Bitter lichen (Pertusaria amara)

Bitter lichen ( Pertusaria amara )

Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Lecanoromycetes
Subclass : Ostropomycetidae
Order : Pertusariales
Family : Pertusariaceae
Genre : Pore ​​lichen
Scientific name

The pore lichens ( Pertusaria ) are a genus of crusty lichen . They grow on different substrates.


The apothecia are sunken, often closed like perithecia and in groups in thallic warts. The apothecary disk is mostly dark. The thallus is often sorediös to isidiös and then rarely bears fruit. The paraphyses are connected like a network. The spores are thick-walled.

Types (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rudolf Schubert, Horst Herbert Handke, Helmut Pankow: Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Volume 1: Lower Plants . Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-8274-0655-2 .

Web links

Commons : Pertusaria  - collection of images, videos and audio files