Bitter pore lichen

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Bitter pore lichen
Pertusaria amara.jpeg

Bitter lichen ( Pertusaria amara )

Class : Lecanoromycetes
Subclass : Ostropomycetidae
Order : Pertusariales
Family : Pertusariaceae
Genre : Pore ​​lichen ( pertusaria )
Type : Bitter pore lichen
Scientific name
Pertusaria amara
( Oh. ) Nyl.

The bitter pore lichen ( Pertusaria amara ), also called bitter lichen , is a relatively common but inconspicuous crusty lichen that grows on the bark of trees. The name suggests the very bitter taste of this lichen. It contains the active ingredient picrolichenin , which was used against intermittent fever .


The bitter pore lichen lives in humid, non- eutrophic locations. Lichen is now declining significantly in areas that are heavily polluted and used for agriculture. It grows on conifers as well as on deciduous trees with slightly acidic bark . It is also found on street trees such as maple , ash , linden and fruit trees such as apple and pear . In forests it prefers to grow on beeches and oaks .


The bumpy to cartilaginous beds of the bitter pore lichen are gray and form arched, whitish-gray sorals between 0.5 and 1.5 cm in diameter . In the young state, individual, clearly defined, hemispherical, arched sorals can be seen, which can flow together with increasing age of the lichen and in places form a thick, even cushion. Fruit bodies ( apothecia ) are only very rarely formed.


Web links

Commons : Pertusaria amara  - album with pictures, videos and audio files