Potsdam is building

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Original title Potsdam is building
Country of production Germany ( SBZ )
original language German
Publishing year 1946
length 29 minutes
Director Joop Huisken
script Joop Huisken
production DEFA studio for documentaries
camera Joop Huisken
cut Willy Zeunert

Potsdam builds on is a documentary film from the DEFA studio for documentaries by the Dutch director Joop Huisken from 1946 .


The film begins with a look at the undamaged Sanssouci Palace with some of the associated facilities. This is followed by photos from the Second World War , which, with the British air raid on Potsdam on April 14, 1945, meant the destruction of this city, as the subsequent photos impressively demonstrate.

In the stairwell of the city administration building, the head of department Neumann greets the assembled audience and explains the state of Potsdam, which now consists only of rubble and rubble. There is no water, no gas, no light, no traffic, because all bridges have been blown, which is why the city is closed from the outside world. Neumann has taken on the task of introducing the visitors to the men who will be responsible for the removal of this damage in the future. Each of these department heads is presented with their name and the associated area of ​​responsibility. This new momentum is also being carried over to the city's population. Men, women and young people set about clearing the rubble, the factories are being repaired, and with this effort a large part of the damage can soon be repaired.

During a council meeting, the mayor calls on the individual city councilors to give an account of their work so far. These reports are supported by film recordings from the individual focal points.


Potsdam builds up was shot as a black and white film and had its premiere on November 14, 1946.

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