Powiat Bialski

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Powiat Bialski
Coat of arms of Powiat Bialski Location of the Powiat Bialski in the Lublin Voivodeship
Basic data
State : Poland
Voivodeship : Lublin
County town : Biała Podlaska
Area : 2753.67 km 2
Residents : 113,448 (June 30, 2008)
License plate : LBI
Circle structure
Municipalities : 2
Rural communities : 17th
Starostei (Stand:)
Starost : Mariusz Filipiuk
ul.Brzeska 41 21-500 Biała Podlaska
Website : www.powiatbialski.eu/starostwo/

The Powiat Bialski is a powiat (district) in the Polish Lublin Voivodeship . The powiat has an area of ​​2753.67 km², on which 113,000 people live. The population density is 42 inhabitants per square kilometer (2004).


The powiat comprises nineteen parishes , including two urban parishes and seventeen rural parishes .


Rural community

Individual evidence

  1. Główny Urząd Statystyczny, “LUDNOŚĆ. STAN I STRUKTURA W PRZEKROJU TERYTORIALNYM ", as of June 30, 2008 ( Memento from January 29, 2009 on WebCite )