Pro-Democracy Camp (Macau)

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Pro-democracy camp
Alignment Liberal Democracy
General Suffrage
Emergence after 1990
distribution MacauMacau Macau
Legislative Assembly

The pro-democracy camp includes all politicians and activists from society who are calling for a more comprehensive democratization of the Macau Special Administrative Region , which is part of the People's Republic of China , but has autonomy rights in economic policy and administration in accordance with the Joint Declaration on the Macau Question . The antagonist of the pro-democracy camp is the pro-Beijing camp .


Although the pro-Beijing camp, including the Macau government, supports the communist government of the People's Republic of China , it is largely economically liberal . He is often accused of acting exclusively in the interests of the influential casinos . This criticism often comes from the pro-democracy camp, which sees the Macau government as responsible to do more for social services for its citizens, for example by expanding the health system. Economically, the pro-democracy camp is predominantly on the left of the pro-Beijing camp. For a real democratization of Macau, the pro-democracy camp demands a general right to vote , since the Macau head of government is not elected directly by the citizens, but by an election committee. In addition to denouncing inadequate participation rights , the pro-democracy camp also campaigns for freedom of the press , freedom of expression and civil rights to be preserved in Macau.


The civil society in Macau is weaker than they, for example, in Hong Kong is. As a result, the citizens' interest in politics is rather low. Above all , the citizens of Macau are calling for a pragmatic policy that is less based on ideology and disputes between the two camps. As long as the politicians of the pro-Beijing camp show sovereignty and reliability, the citizens have no desire to change their political leadership, which has always been dominated by the pro-Beijing camp. The politicians of the pro-democracy camp can sometimes even produce a repulsive effect, as their demands for democratization pose a threat to a pragmatically functioning system and could upset the usual order. This pragmatically functioning system is definitely more important to the citizens than a more far-reaching democratization of Macau; The society is rather weakly politicized because a large part of the inhabitants immigrated to Macau from other parts of the People's Republic of China and from there they are used to the support of the government of the People's Republic of China and a rigid political system .

Although the representatives of the pro-democracy camp in Macau are working together to achieve their political goals, there can be no question of unity within the camp. The current four out of 33 seats in the Legislative Assembly belong to three parties , so that there is no large party in the pro-democracy camp, but rather a fragmentation of this camp. Showing unity and sovereignty towards the electorate with several organizations is a challenge for the pro-democracy camp. Reasons for the fragmentation are, for example, disputes about how to proceed in the fight for more democracy. For example, two MPs have distanced themselves from the Associação Novo Macau and even left the organization because, in their opinion, the organization is now too radical democratic and this opposition stance in a repressive system that is directed by the People's Republic of China is dangerous for politicians . The only MP for the organization today, Sulu Sou Ka Hou , was later actually suspended from his MP because he misbehaved during a demonstration . This event shows that excessive criticism of the political system in Macau or the People's Republic of China can also be dangerous in what is actually a democratic Macau.

The representatives of the pro-democracy camp in Macau not only advocate further democratization of Macau; they stand up for activists and democratic movements in the People's Republic of China. With the goal of democratization, they also pursue a goal similar to that of the pro-democracy camp in Hong Kong or the Republic of China .

Members of the pro-democracy camp

The following list includes all the parties and politicians in the pro-democracy camp after the 2017 general election in the Legislative Assembly:

For a long time the pro-democracy camp was mainly represented by the Associação Novo Macau, which, however, had to lose some of its influence due to its split.

Individual evidence

  1. 葉 靖斯: 澳門 選舉 結果 不 因 風災 因 「澳 獨」? In: BBC News 中文 . September 18, 2017 ( [accessed December 11, 2018]).
  2. Sulu Sou Ka Hou. In: Macau News. Retrieved December 11, 2018 (American English).
  3. Why Macau is less demanding of democracy than Hong Kong . In: The Economist . September 15, 2017, ISSN  0013-0613 ( [accessed December 11, 2018]).
  4. Macau | BREAKING NEWS: Sulu Sou withdraws appeal to cease suspension. In: Macau Business. June 27, 2018, Retrieved December 11, 2018 (UK English).