Proleptomonas faecicola

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Proleptomonas faecicola
without rank: Sar
without rank: Rhizaria
without rank: Cercozoa
incertae sedis
Genre : Proleptomonas
Type : Proleptomonas faecicola
Scientific name of the  genus
Woodcock, 1916
Scientific name of the  species
Proleptomonas faecicola
Woodcock , 1916

Proleptomonas faecicola is a heterotrophic , ground-dwelling flagellate from the Cercozoa group . It is the only species of the genus Proleptomonas and isassigned to the strain Cercozoain an uncertain position .


Proleptomonas is a free-living, unicellular flagellate and is similar to the Cercomonadida . The cell surface is bare. It has a long, anterior flagellum and a short, posterior flagellum that lies against the cell body. The cell is elongated in the shape of a cigar with a length of 7 to 12 µm and a width of 1.5 to 3 µm. The long flagellum is 14 to 29 µm long and starts apically. The posterior flagella is as long as the cell body. The locomotion is very quick, with the body vibrating quickly around its own center.

The diet does not take place through phagotrophy , but through endocytosis using coated pits . The cell nucleus is located in the middle of the cell at a great distance from the kinetide . This forms microtubules , which form a structure that vaguely resembles the microtubule cone of the Cercomonadidae . Extrusomes are absent in Proleptomonas . The mitochondria have tubular cristae.

The flagellated stages do not share. Cell division occurs in the cyst stage, which is round and 6 to 9 µm in diameter. One or more cell divisions take place within the cell wall of the cyst, so that two to eight daughter cells are formed.


Proleptomonas faecicola was originally considered a free- living kinetoplast . Later the species was added to the Cercomonadidae . However, are already very different from these morphologically: it has no extrusomes, no microbody and does not form pseudopodia . For this, the cercomonads lack reproductive cysts. According to molecular genetic studies, they are not part of the Cercomonadidae, but rather the sister group to Heteromita . Adl et al. like Mylnikov and Karpov, they put incertae sedis in the Cercozoa. In some works they are part of the Heteromitidae .

supporting documents

  • Alexander P. Mylnikov, Serguei A. Karpov: Review of diversity and taxonomy of cercomonads . Protistology, Vol. 3, 2004, pp. 201-217. ISSN  1680-0826

Individual evidence

  1. Sina M. Adl et al .: The New Higher Level Classification of Eukaryotes with Emphasis on the Taxonomy of Protists. The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, Vol. 52, 2005, pp. 399-451. doi : 10.1111 / j.1550-7408.2005.00053.x .
  2. ^ David Bass, Thomas Cavalier-Smith: Phylum-specific environmental DNA analysis reveals remarkably high global biodiversity of Cercozoa (Protozoa) . International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, Volume 54, 2004, pp. 2393-2404, doi : 10.1099 / ijs.0.63229-0
  3. Serguei A. Karpov, David Bass, Alexander P. Mylnikov, Thomas Cavalier-Smith : Molecular Phylogeny of Cercomonadidae and Kinetid Patterns of Cercomonas and Eocercomonas gen. Nov. (Cercomonadida, Cercozoa) . Protist, Volume 157, 2006, pp. 125-158, doi : 10.1016 / j.protis.2006.01.001