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Local community Psarades
Τοπική Κοινότητα Ψαράδων (Ψαράδες)
Psarades (Greece)
Basic data
Country GreeceGreece Greece
region Western Macedonia
Regional district Florina
local community Prespes
Parish Prespes
Geographic coordinates 40 ° 50 ′  N , 21 ° 2 ′  E Coordinates: 40 ° 50 ′  N , 21 ° 2 ′  E
Height above d. M. 850  m
surface 41.064 km²
Residents 83 (2011)
LAU-1 code no. 17030113
Local division 1
Prespes - Psarades vilage.jpg

Psarades ( Greek Ψαράδες ( m. Pl. ) Macedonian and Bulgarian Нивици Nivitsi ) is a village in the municipality of Prespes in the northern Greek region of Western Macedonia .


Psarades extends in north-west Greece on the south bank of the Prespa lake over 15.389 km², including the water surface on 41.064 km². The state border with Albania in the west and North Macedonia in the north runs in the lake . To the east is Lemos, which is also the seat of the Prespes municipal administration . The village of Psarades is located at an altitude of 851 to 870 m on the east side of a long and narrow bay, which continues to the southeast into a small, steep valley. The surrounding mountains rise on the northeast side of the valley at the Agios Georgios chapel to an altitude of over 1100 m. The mountain range of the Deva ( Όρος Ντέβας Óros Dévas ) stretches around the valley in a horseshoe shape and reaches its highest elevations at 1360 and 1373 m in the south and southwest to the neighboring communities of Agios Achillios and Vrondero .


From the end of the 19th century, Bulgarian, Greek and Serbian national movements competed for the successor to Ottoman rule in Macedonia . During the Bulgarian exarchate , services were held in Greek in what was then the village of Nivitsi , now Psarades, and lessons in Greek in the local school. Surveys on the particularly complex population structure of the region pursued the nationalist interest in making the respective population group appear particularly large. According to information from 1878 Nivitzi had 30 houses and was inhabited by 92 Bulgarians, in 1900 there were 400 Christian Bulgarians in Nivitza. The Bulgarian side considered all Slavic-speaking Macedonians to be Bulgarians.

During the Greek Civil War of the fighting on pages DSE in a separate unit also slawomazedonische Rebel the NLF NOF ( Народно Ослободителен Фронт (НОФ) Λαϊκό Απελευθερωτικό Μέτωπο ). For the 2nd congress of the NOF on March 25 and 26, 1949, 700 representatives gathered in the village church of Psarades. With the participation of the KKE party leader Nikolaos Zachariadis , a resolution proclaimed “... the unification of Macedonia with a united, independent and equal Macedonian nation within a people's democratic federation of the Balkan peoples”.

On June 17, 2018, Macedonia's Foreign Ministers Nikola Dimitrov and Greece's Nikos Kotzias signed a provisional agreement in the presence of Prime Ministers Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras in Psarades, which should end the decades-long name dispute .

Administrative history

After it was founded as a rural community Nivitsa ( Κοινότητα Νιβίστης Kinótita Nivítsis ) in 1918 together with Vivani , the delimitation of the area changed several times. In 1927 it was renamed Psarades. On the occasion of the municipal reform in 1997 , the merger with twelve other rural municipalities took place to form the municipality of Prespes, which in turn was merged with Krystallopigi as part of the 2010 administrative reform to form the new municipality of Prespes , where Psarades has since had the status of a local community.

Population development of Psarades
1920 1928 1940 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011
589 585 770 433 430 247 167 144 158 83

Web links

Commons : Psarades  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Results of the 2011 census at the National Statistical Service of Greece (ΕΛ.ΣΤΑΤ) (Excel document, 2.6 MB)
  2. Vemund Aarbakke: Ethnic Rivalry and the Quest for Macedonia 1870-1913. (= East European Monographs), Columbia University Press, New York 2003, ISBN 978-0-88033-527-0 , p. 76.
  3. Ethnographic des Vilayets d'Andrinople, de Monastir, et de Salonique. Constantinople 1878, p. 9. (French) Online
  4. Vasil Kanchov: Makedonija. Etnografija i Statistika. P. 242. Online
  5. Vemund Aarbakke: The Macedonia Region. In: Oliver Jens Schmitt, Michael Metzeltin (Hrsg.): The Southeastern Europe of the Regions. Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 2015, ISBN 978-3-7001-7726-5 , p. 600.
  6. ^ Peter Alexander Zervakis: Justice for Greece. The Influence of a Greco-American Interest Group on US Foreign Policy Towards Greece, 1945–1947. (= Studies on Modern History, Volume 47), Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 1994, ISBN 978-3-515-06268-8 , p. 121. Note 535.
    Jon V. Kofas: American foreign policy and the Greek civil war 1946–1949 . In: Bernd Greiner, Christian Th. Müller, Dierk Walter (eds.): Hot wars in the cold war . Hamburg 2006, ISBN 3-936096-61-9 , p. 100 f.
  7. Spyridon Sfetas [Σπυρίδων Σφέτας]: Οι σχέσεις ΚΚΕ και NOF στη διάρκεια του εμφυλίου (1946–1949). In: Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα. Volume 14-15, Thessaloniki 2003-2004, ISSN 2407-9456. P. 239. PDF Online
  8. ^ Heinz A. Richter: History of Greece in the 20th Century, Volume 2, 1939-2004. Franz Philipp Rutzen, Ruhpolding 2015, ISBN 978-3-447-10398-5 , p. 307.
  9. ^ Thomas Roser: Greece and Macedonia. Just a stage win in the name dispute. In: Der Tagesspiegel. 17th June 2018.
  10. Νίβιτσα - Ψαράδες, Μετονομασίες των Οικισμών της Ελλάδας (Greek)
    Κεντρική Ένωση Δήμων και Κοινοτήτων Ελλάδας (ΚΕΔΚΕ) Ελληνική Εταιρία Τοπικής Ανάπτυξης και Αυτοδιοίκησης (ΕΕΤΑΑ) (ed.): Λεξικό Διοικητικών Μεταβολών των Δήμων και Κοινοτήτων (1912-2001). Athens 2002, Volume 2 (Τόμος Β, λ – ω), ISBN 960-7509-47-1 , p. 216., 578 f. (Greek)
  11. Law 2539/1997 «Συγκρότηση της Πρωτοβάθμιας Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης." ΦΕΚ 244 A / December 4, 1997, Άρθρο 1. Σύσταση δήμων και κοινοτήτων. S. 8831. PDF Online (Greek)
  12. Law 3852/2010 «Νέα Αρχιτεκτονική της Αυτοδιοίκησης και της Αποκεντρωμένης Διοίκησης - Πρόγραμμα Καλλς. ΦΕΚ 87 A / 7.6.2010, Άρθρο 1. Σύσταση δήμων. P. 1793. PDF Online (Greek)
  13. populations of Psarades 1920-2011, Greek Statistical Office ELSTAT, Digital Library (Greek); Census 2011