Red burner

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Red burner
Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Leotiomycetes
Order : Helotials
Family : Helotiaceae
Genre : Pseudopezicula
Type : Red burner
Scientific name
Pseudopezicula tracheiphila
( Müll.-Thurg. ) Korf & WY Zhuang

The Red burner is in viticulture occurring plant disease that shows itself by appearing scorched spots on the leaves. It belongs to the family of the Brenner diseases ( anthracnosis ). This disease is caused by the fungus Pseudopezicula tracheiphila ( syn. Pseudopeziza tracheiphila Müll.-Thurg. ), Which belongs to the family Helotiaceae or Dermateaceae depending on the opinion . It can be combated with fungicides . The red burner should not be confused with Stagonospora curtisii, a harmful fungus on the amaryllis family, which is also known as the red burner.

Description and biology

The infestation by the fungus shows itself in white grape varieties through initially oily, later brownish spots with a yellow edge, in red grape varieties through ruby ​​red spots. In contrast to the similar appearance of downy mildew , the spots are always limited by leaf veins and are therefore often wedge-shaped at the edges. The infected tissue dries out and dies.

The spots are caused by the fungus clogging the leaf's water pipes. The affected areas die off as a result. If the infestation is severe, the whole leaf falls off.

The mushroom overwinters in the fallen leaves. In spring, with sufficient soil moisture and temperatures above 10 ° C, it forms blackish, bowl-shaped fruiting bodies with a diameter of 0.5 mm. These release spores , particularly after rainfall in April and May , which attack the fresh leaves of the vines. High infection pressure increases the risk of increased trickling of the notes .

Sources and further information

Web links


  • Karl Bauer and colleagues: Viticulture . 8th edition, Austrian. Agrarverlag, Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-3-7040-2284-4 .
  • Edgar Müller, Hans-Peter Lipps, Oswald Walg: Viticulture . 3rd edition, Eugen Ulmer, 2008, ISBN 978-3-8001-1241-8 .
  • Helga Reisenzein, Friedrich Polesny, Erhard Höbaus: Diseases, pests and beneficial insects in viticulture . Österreichischer Agrarverlag, 5th edition, Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-3-7040-2319-3 .
  • Ilse Maier: Practical book organic viticulture . Österreichischer Agrarverlag, Vienna 2005, ISBN 3-7040-2090-7 .
  • Uwe Hofmann, Paulin Köpfer, Arndt Werner: ecological viticulture . Eugen Ulmer, 1995, ISBN 3-8001-5712-8 .
  • Werner Rothmaler: Excursion flora for Germany . Volume 1: Lower Plants, 3rd edition. Fischer, Jena 1994, ISBN 3-334-60827-1 .
  • Horst Diedrich Mohr (Hrsg.): Color atlas diseases, pests and beneficial insects on the grapevine . Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-8001-4148-5 .