Pterygota macrocarpa

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Pterygota macrocarpa
Eurosiden II
Order : Mallow-like (Malvales)
Family : Mallow family (Malvaceae)
Subfamily : Sterculioideae (Sterculioideae)
Genre : Pterygota
Type : Pterygota macrocarpa
Scientific name
Pterygota macrocarpa
K. Schum.

Pterygota macrocarpa is a tree in the sterculia family from western to central Africa .


Pterygota macrocarpa grows as a deciduous tree to a height of about 35 meters. The trunk diameter reaches up to 120 centimeters. Thinner and large buttress roots are formed. The grayish bark is relatively smooth.

The simple and stalked, almost bare leaves are alternate. The slender petiole is 5-18 centimeters long. The heart-shaped and entire, acuminate to acuminate leaves are up to 25-30 centimeters long. Small stipules are formed.

Terminal and reddish-brown hairy panicles are formed. The unisexual, short-stalked flowers have a simple inflorescence , the petals are missing. The flower stalk is divided with a "joint". The calyx, up to 2 centimeters long, has rusty hair on the outside and the sepals are just overgrown. The stamens of the male flowers are fused in a hairy, slender synandrium and the anthers are arranged spherically. The male flowers also have stunted carpels . The female flowers have an upper, hairy ovary with five short, hairy styles with small, elongated stigmas and small staminodes.

Up to 12-18 centimeters in size, woody and brownish, many-seeded, almost round and somewhat flattened, slightly hairy follicles that open in two lobes are formed. The many, flattened seeds are winged on one side, they are with the 6–7 cm long and 3 cm wide wings 9–11 cm long.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 36.


The medium-weight, non-durable wood is known as koto .

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