Quart (Girona)

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Quart parish
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Quart (Girona) (Spain)
Finland road sign 311 (1994-2020) .svg
Basic data
Autonomous Community : Catalonia
Province : Girona
Comarca : Gironès
Coordinates 41 ° 56 ′  N , 2 ° 50 ′  E Coordinates: 41 ° 56 ′  N , 2 ° 50 ′  E
Height : 91  msnm
Area : 38.15 km²
Residents : 3,724 (Jan 1, 2019)
Population density : 97.61 inhabitants / km²
Municipality number  ( INE ): 17142
Official language : Castilian , Catalan
Mayor : Lluís Lloret i Costa

Quart is a municipality in northeastern Spain.


Geographical location

Quart is in the province of Girona in the autonomous community of Catalonia.

Neighboring communities

The neighboring municipalities include Madremanya , Sant Martí Vell , Juià , Girona , Fornells de la Selva , Llambilles and Cruïlles, Monells i Sant Sadurní de l'Heura .

Local division

In addition to the main town Quart, there are also the districts of Castellar de la Selva , Creueta , Montnegre , Palol d'Onyar and Sant Mateu de Montnegre .


Population development

Number of inhabitants
year 1991 1996 1998 2001 2004 2006
Residents 2,083 2.123 2,183 2,362 2,609 2,637

Infrastructure and economy

The Rihuma Clinic Center is located in Quart.

Web links

Commons : Quart (Girona)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Cifras oficiales de población resultantes de la revisión del Padrón municipal a 1 de enero . Population statistics from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (population update).