RA raw materials alliance

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The RA commodity Alliance GmbH was a private law as a GmbH structured association of several German companies with the aim of supplying the German economy with raw materials ensure. Its liquidation was announced on January 11, 2016 in the Federal Gazette.

Origin and purpose

In 2011, the Federation of German Industries drew up a concept paper for a “global, profit-oriented raw materials company” that should be supported by the industry as a partner and that should have its own management team. Rare earths , tungsten and the coking coal used in the steel industry were defined as primary raw materials .

On April 18, 2012, the Company was registered under number HRB 141341 B in the commercial register at the local court Charlottenburg entered. The former E.ON Energie board member Dierk Paskert has been the managing director since the company was founded . The founding members include Bayer , BASF , Bosch and ThyssenKrupp . Even in the first year were Evonik , Georgsmarienhütte Rockwood Lithium, Steel Holding Saar , ThyssenKrupp, Wacker Chemie , BMW and Volkswagen at Allianz.

The raw materials alliance aims to improve the security of supply for the entire German industry. To this end, it should participate in the development and marketing of raw material deposits worldwide and bundle the buying power for certain raw materials. According to a report by the Handelsblatt , the background is above all the concern that China in particular is buying up raw material deposits worldwide or securing exclusive deliveries, which could lead to supply bottlenecks for competitors and secure decisive competitive advantages for Chinese companies.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dietmar Student: German industry concludes raw material alliance. Manager Magazin, September 21, 2011. Retrieved June 11, 2015.
  2. a b c Industry founds raw materials alliance, Handelsblatt Online, April 24, 2012. Accessed on May 11, 2012.
  3. Andreas Mihm: Industry digs for raw materials itself. , Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, April 24, 2012. Retrieved June 13, 2015.
  4. Automobile companies: BMW and VW join raw materials alliance. , Handelsblatt, December 18, 2012. Retrieved June 11, 2015.