Raden Soetomo

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Dr Soetomo 1962 Indonesia stamp.jpg

Raden Soetomo (born July 30, 1888 in Ngepeh, Nganjuk , † May 30, 1938 in Surabaya ) was a Dutch-Indian doctor and independence fighter .



In 1903 Soetomo went to STOVIA in Weltevreden to become a doctor. With like-minded people he founded the first national movement Boedi Oetomo there in 1908 . The founding of the movement was not without risk for Soetomo and the question even arose whether the school could take revolutionaries like Soetomo. A school conference was convened, at which the head of the school, Hermanus Frederik Roll , spoke up with the words “How van de heren aanwezig beschigte toen hij achttien was, over meer karakter dan Soetomo?” (Who of the gentlemen [who] are present here ], had more character than Soetomo when he was eighteen?) placed behind Soetomo. Soetomo stayed and graduated in 1911 .

First years of employment

He then worked as a doctor in various places on Java and Sumatra . In 1917 he married the Dutch nurse Everdina Johanna Bruring and studied medicine in the Netherlands two years later until 1923 .

Political and social engagement

In 1924 he founded the student association “Indonesian Study Club” in Surabaya and in 1930 the party “Partai Bangsa Indonesia” (Indonesian National Party), which in 1935 with the Boedi Oetomo movement became the “Partai Indonesia Raya” (Greater Indonesian Party). Soetomo was not about party politics. His commitment was to the social welfare and the economic upswing of his compatriots. He initiated the establishment of a bank , “Bank Nasional Indonesia” and the first insurance company “Bumi Putra”. The cooperative “Rakun Tani”, various orphanages , institutions for lepers and other institutions for public health can be traced back to his influence.


“Aan hen die op ons scholden en nog schelden, aan de regering die ons een afzonderlijk plaatsje toewees in de maatschappij en op de scholen, aan hen die op ons, trapten en nog smaden, aan hen die het woord 'inlander' bezigden om ons te krenken, aan u allen, the mede has worked om ons het besef op te dringen, dat wij zijn een volk, lui en indolent, dom, vuil, bijgelovig en wreed, ondankbaar en zonder gevoel - aan u allen zeg ik thanks, want uw minachting, uw afwijzende houding jedens ons, uw vloekwoorden were de onwelriekende mest, waarop het zaad the nationality ontkiemde. Dankzij u, onbarmhartig drijvers, zijn we zovele stappen nader tot ons doel: 'Onszelf te zijn.' "


"To those who insulted us and still insulted us, to the government, which gave us a special place in society and in schools, to everyone who insulted, kicked and vilified us, to those who used the word 'native' to insult us, to all of you who worked on it, forcing us to realize that we are a lazy and lazy, stupid, filthy, superstitious and cruel people, ungrateful and without feelings - to all of them I thank them because Their contempt, their negative attitude towards us, their swear words, were the foul-smelling crap on which the seeds of our nationality grew. Thanks to you, merciless drovers, we are so many steps closer to our goal: 'To be ourselves'. "


On July 30, 1981, the “Dr. Soetomo University ”opened. Around 12,000 students are currently enrolled there.

Individual evidence

  1. http://botschaft-indonesien.de/de/indonesien/geschichte.htm
  2. http://javapost.nl/2012/02/09/van-goed-karakter-en-goed-gedrag
  3. http://sibermedik.wordpress.com/2007/11/10/dokter-juga-pahlawan-3-drsoetomo-arek-suroboyo
  4. Van Klinken, page 79
  5. ^ Schulte Nordholt
  6. www.unitomo.ac.id


  • Jan Willem Schulte Nordholt, Rassendiscriminatie, Amsterdam 1961
  • Jozef Emanuel Stokvis, Correspondentie met dr. R. Soetomo, 1924-1927.
  • Paul W. van der Veur, Towards a Glorious Indonesia: Reminiscences and Observations of Dr. Soetomo, Ohio 1987, ISBN 9780896801424
  • Raden Soetomo, 1936, Onderwijsvraagstukken in Indonesië, Verslagen Indisch Genootschap, 1936, pp. 95-107.
  • Gerry van Klinken, Minorities, Modernity and the Emerging Nation: Christians in Indonesia, a Biographical Approach, 2003, ISBN 9789067181518

Web links