Rafael Horzon

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Rafael Horzon (2018)

Rafael Horzon (born December 2, 1968 in Hamburg ) is a German entrepreneur, author and furniture designer.

life and work

Horzon studied philosophy , Latin , physics and comparative literature without a degree in Paris, Munich and Berlin. In Paris he attended lectures by the philosopher Jacques Derrida . In 1995 he completed his training as a parcel driver for Deutsche Post. Since 1996 Horzon has founded various corporate projects such as the Berlintokyo gallery , the so-called Science Academy Berlin , the furniture store Moebel Horzon and the fashion label Gelée Royale .

According to his own statements, Horzon is repeatedly referred to as an artist . Even if his actions and appearances resemble art actions, he himself rejects this designation.

Horzon lives with his family in Berlin. He is married to the art director Patricia Woerler-Horzon. His work The White Book has been translated into French, Dutch and Italian.

Publications (selection)


Web links


  • Holger Schulze : "Wissenschaftsakademie", in: ders .: Heuristics. Theory of intentional work genesis, six theory narratives between pop culture, the private sector and what was once called art, Bielefeld: transcript 2005, pp. 59–61
  • Moritz Baßler / Heinz Drügh : Super Reality , in: POP. Culture and Criticism, Vol. 5 (2014), pp. 81–86. doi: 10.25969 / mediarep / 2597
  • Birgitta Krumrey: The author in his text: Autofiction in contemporary German-language literature as a (post-) postmodern phenomenon , Göttingen: V&R unipress 2015, pp. 145–172
  • André Menke: Pop, literature and authorship: literary strategies and stagings by Wolfgang Welt , Rocko Schamoni and Rafael Horzon , Munich: Iudicium, 2016, pp. 256–325
  • Stefanie Bremerich: Narrated misery - autofictions of poverty and deviation , Stuttgart: JB Metzler 2018, pp. 261–275
  • Annekathrin Kohout : "Art and Success" , in: Pop. Culture & Criticism (12/2018), pp. 50–68

Individual evidence

  1. Florian Siebeck: This time we are making the squares very colorful. In: FAZ , November 21, 2016.
  2. Rafael Horzon: The White Book . Suhrkamp nova, Berlin 2010, p. 11 ff .
  3. Tim Berge: Rafael Horzon , January 28, 2013
  4. ^ Jochen Overbeck (minutes): Rafael Horzon AZ: The Elon Musk of Torstrasse, Berlin . January 5, 2018 ( welt.de [accessed October 31, 2019]).
  5. Peter Richter: Company Not Art, Süddeutsche Zeitung of 29 October 2019 Page 11