Raffaele Pierotti

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Raffaele Cardinal Pierotti OP (around 1900)

Raffaele Cardinal Pierotti OP (born January 1, 1836 in Lucca , Frazione Sorbano del Vescovo , Italy as Giovanni Antonio Pierotti ; † September 7, 1905 in Rome ), was a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church . From 1887 to 1897 he was a papal house theologian .


Pierotti joined the Dominicans in 1851 at the age of 15, received the religious name Raffaele and became a novice in the monastery of Anagni, where he was tutored by the later Cardinal Tommaso Zigliara . He made his profession on January 9, 1857 . In 1860 he obtained a doctorate in theology. It is unclear when he was ordained a priest .

He later became a novice master and professor of theology at the Collegio San Tommaso d'Aquino at the Dominican church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome, where he had also studied. From 1870 to 1873 Pierotti was also a teacher there. In 1873 he became pastor of Santa Maria sopra Minerva.

In 1887 Pope Leo XIII appointed him . to the master of the Apostolic Palace , d. H. to his theological adviser with the task of preparing papal decisions on disputes. The Apostolic Letter Apostolicae curae on the validity of Anglican ordinations was written during Pierotti's tenure .

In the consistory of November 30, 1896, Leo XIII took. Pierotti as cardinal deacon of Santi Cosma e Damiano into the college of cardinals . After the Pope's death, he took part in the 1903 conclave that Pius X elected. Cardinal Pierotti died two years later and was buried in the Dominican chapel of Campo Verano in Rome.

Web links

Commons : Raffaele Pierotti  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Note del Cardinale Pierotti (PDF; 64 kB), website of the parish Sorbano del Vescovo (Italian)