Raimund Bachmann

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Raimund Bachmann (born March 31, 1882 in Vordernberg ; † June 8, 1961 in Leoben ) was an Austrian politician of the Social Democratic Workers' Party (SDAP) and Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ), who was, among other things, regional councilor in the Styrian state government in 1945 .


After attending elementary and secondary school, Raimund Bachmann completed vocational training as a carpenter and then worked as a construction and furniture maker in Klagenfurt , Switzerland , Hamburg and Flensburg . In 1910 he became a foreman in Vordernberg for the Österreichisch-Alpine Montangesellschaft , a mining and metal industry company . At the beginning of the 1920s he began his trade union and political involvement and in 1920 became accountant and chief cashier of the Miners' Association in Leoben. In addition, he was chairman of the Social Democratic Workers' Party (SDAP) in Leoben from 1920 . Between 1920 and 1934 he was a shop steward at the Austrian Alpine Mining Society, head of the district consumer cooperative and between 1923 and 1934 a member of the Leoben municipal council. In 1934 he was imprisoned for months for participating in the February fighting. Bachmann was unemployed until 1938. Afterwards he was the tenant of a small inn in Graz and worked again as a carpenter in Styria and Klagenfurt.

After the Second World War , Bachmann became treasurer of the regional organization of the Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ) in Styria in May 1945 and held this office until 1957. On July 18, 1945 he joined the Styrian regional government and was between July 18 and August 8, 1945 State Councilor for Social Administration in the provisional state government of Machold .

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