Ralf Bernd Herden

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Ralf Bernd Herden (* 1960 in Lahr / Black Forest ) is a German lawyer, publicist, retired mayor. D., historian, lecturer, specialist advisor, DRK district manager a. D. and as a Freemason member in two lodges. He has been Vice President of the German Homeowners Association since October 2015 and a member of the Executive Committee since October 2016, and legal advisor of the German Horticultural Society of 1822 since March 2017 .


Herden studied law at the University of Freiburg , including constitutional and constitutional law with Paul Feuchte, public law and administrative law with Martin Bullinger , inheritance law, legal history and historical comparative law with Detlef Liebs, and canon law and church legal history with Alexander Hollerbach and Oberkirchenrat Günther Wendt.

In 1991 and 1999 he was elected mayor of Bad Rippoldsau-Schapbach . In the 2007 election he ran again for mayor, but was not re-elected. Herden was a member of the Freudenstadt District Council from 1998 to 2009 , and from 2004 to 2009 he was one of the Deputy District Council chairpersons. Herden has been a lecturer at Kehl University since 1998 . He was a member of the Freudenstadt District Fire Brigade Association Committee (1996–2007) and deputy DRK district chairman (1996–2007). From 2007 to 2010 Herden was the district manager of the DRK district association Freudenstadt as well as a specialist advisor at the THW local association Freudenstadt. On September 30, 2010, Herden left the Freudenstadt DRK district association to work as a freelance lawyer, author and lecturer. Today he is an honorary legal counsel for the DRK district association in Lahr in the Baden Red Cross.

Herden was involved in the development of scientific teaching programs for the federal management of the Technical Relief Organization (THW), of which he is also the editor. He is a member of the Freemason Lodge "Allfater zum free thought" "" in Lahr, the Masonic Research Lodge "Quatuor Coronati" of the United Grand Lodge of Germany (VGLvD) in Bayreuth, in the Correspondence Circle of the "Quatuor Coronati" of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLoE) in London, in the Sociéte Européenne d'Études et de Recherches Écossaises aisbl / European Scottish Rite Research Society aisbl - Bruxelles / Brussels and in the scientific "Network Freemason Research". For the research lodge Quatuor Coronati , which is directly subordinate to the "United Grand Lodges of Germany", herds u. a. 2012–2015 the German-language Masonic research magazine "TAU". 2016–2018 he took over the editing of the German-language yearbook for Freemason research .

Publications (selection)

  • Freemasonry
    • The Schneider Brothers: Past Freemasons, terrible propagandists, agile lawyers, victims of their time? In: Concepts - Metaphors - Symbols. Quatuor Coronati Yearbook of Masonic Research. No. 56/2019. Published by the Quatuor Coronati research lodge in Bayreuth.
    • Großorient von Baden and Badischer Landeslogenverein from its foundation in 1806 to the ban on Freemasons in 1813 . In: 39./2019 Quatuor Coronati Reports - Vienna Yearbook for Historical Freemason Research. Published by the Quatuor Coronati research company in Vienna. Editors Marcus G. Patka and Alfred Stalzer. Pp. 359-374. Salier Verlag Leipzig 2019. ISBN 978-3-96285-029-6 .
    • A German Middle State: The Grand Duchy of Baden - State, Politics and Masonry. In: Ars Quatuor Coronatorum. The Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 (UGLoE). Volume 131 (2018), p. 358-361. Edited by John S. Wade, PhD, Quatuor Coronati Lodge London, Great Queen Street. ISBN 978-1-905318-98-8 .
    • Goethe as a student in Strasbourg. In: Kilwinning - Revue of the European Scottish Rite Research Society aisbl / Revue de la Sociéte Européenne d'Études et de Recherches Écossaises aisbl. Volume 11/2019. Bruxelles / Brussels 2019. ISBN 978-2-37445-224-1
    • Margraviate and Grand Duchy of Baden 1780–1820. State, Politics and Freemasonry. In: Learning from history - reminders and suggestions. Quatuor Coronati Yearbook of Masonic Research No. 52/2015. ISSN 0171-1199. Published by the Quatuor Coronati research lodge in Bayreuth.
    • Fragments of Freemasonry history from the Upper Rhine: On the history not only of Freemasonry in Baden. Books on Demand, 2016, ISBN 978-3-7412-3912-0 .
  • Law and administration
    • German commentary on inheritance law. Carl Heymanns Verlag (co-author) ISBN 3-452-24781-3 .
    • Local associations: their rights, their legal problems and legal relationships in everyday life. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2015. (The reader is the result of a specialist project by 13 students at the Kehl University of Public Administration. This project was supervised by Ralf Bernd Herden, a lawyer (project leader, editor, co-author)) ISBN 978-3-7386-2005 -4 .
    • Sustainability in nature conservation and landscape management. In: Kegelmann / Martens (ed.), Municipal Sustainability - Anniversary Volume for the 40th Anniversary of the Kehl University of Applied Sciences and the Ortenau District. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2013, ISBN 978-3-8487-0176-6 , pp. 120–129.
    • Climate change: Technical project at the Kehl University of Applied Sciences in 2016/2017. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2017. The reader is the result of a specialist project by students at the Kehl University of Public Administration. This project was supervised by lawyer Ralf Bernd Herden (project manager, editor, co-author) ISBN 978-3-7448-1826-1 .
    • Disaster Potentials: Yesterday Today Tomorrow - Threats of the Future - Conclusions of the Past. Draft of an overview from students for students. Specialized project 2011/2012, ISBN 978-3-8482-0738-1 (discussion papers of the University of Applied Sciences in Kehl am Rhein / University of applied sciences, volume 02/2012). Books on Demand May 2012 (project manager, editor, co-author)
    • Disasters and Pandemics - A Student Guide for Students. (Discussion papers from the University of Applied Sciences in Kehl am Rhein / Kehl University of Applied Sciences, Volume 4/2011), Books on Demand 2011 (project leader, editor, co-author), ISBN 978-3-8423-6340-3 .
    • Growing dead or extinction ?! Specialized project 2015/2016 at the University of Public Administration in Kehl. A communal comparison between the city of Mannheim, the great district town of Kehl and the city of Dornhan. Books on Demand 2016 (project leader, editor, co-author) ISBN 978-3-7412-2640-3 .
    • University curriculum Civil and civil protection hazard prevention. (Editor and co-author) ISSN 0937-1982 Volume 2006/1
  • Others
    • Strasbourg siege 1870. (Discussion papers of the University of Public Administration in Kehl, Volume 17/2006) Books on Demand, 2006, ISBN 3-8334-5147-5
    • Red Rooster and Red Cross - Chronicle of the history of fire extinguishing and rescue services. (Discussion papers of the University for Public Administration in Kehl, Volume 2/2004), Books on Demand 2005, ISBN 3-8334-2620-9 .
    • Black Forest homeland stories - From Kniebis, Wolf and Kinzig. Moritz Schauenburg publishing house in Lahr, ISBN 3-7946-0457-1 .


  • 1994: Medal of Honor from the City of La Tranche-sur-Mer
  • 1999: Medal of Honor from the General Council of the Vendée Department
  • 2000: Gold helper symbol from the Federal Agency for Technical Relief
  • 2000: Knight of the "Order of the Holy Spirit on the Blue Ribbon" - "Cordon Bleu du Saint Esprit" (CBdSE)
  • 2006: Award clasp for fifteen years of voluntary service in the German Red Cross
  • 2007: Medal of Honor from the Freudenstadt District Fire Brigade Association
  • Badge of honor in silver of the workers' welfare
  • European medal from the Central Association of Family Gardeners' Associations in Basel
  • Badge of honor in silver of the district association of garden friends in Central Baden
  • Badge of honor in silver of the SPD
  • Empress-Queen Zita-Cross
  • Commander's cross in gold with lily CBdSE
  • Chapter Council Cross CBdSE

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Presidium: German Horticultural Society 1822 eV In: dgg1822.de. Retrieved November 2, 2016 .
  2. Herd Ralf Bernd . netzwerk-freimaurerforschung.de. Retrieved September 30, 2019.