Ramal de Moura

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Guadiana old train bridge.jpg
Route length: 58.8 km
Gauge : 1668 mm ( Iberian track )
BSicon CONTgq.svgBSicon STR + r.svgBSicon .svg
Linha do Alentejo Barreiro
153.900 Be yes
BSicon exCONTgq.svgBSicon exABZgr.svgBSicon .svg
Linha do Alentejo Funcheira
156.900 Alcoforado
159.600 Vila Azedo
160.600 Neves
166,000 Baleizão
169.700 Torre da Cardeira
173.200 Quintos
BSicon RP4q.svgBSicon exSKRZ-G4u.svgBSicon RP4q.svg
× IP8
BSicon .svgBSicon RP2.svgBSicon .svg
BSicon WASSERq.svgBSicon exhKRZWae.svgBSicon WASSERq.svg
Bridge over the Guadiana × Rio Guadiana
178.600 Bridge over the Rio Guadiana
BSicon .svgBSicon RP2.svgBSicon .svg
183,000 Serpa - Brinches
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Ramal de Serpa Serpa (out of order)
BSicon .svgBSicon exBUE.svgBSicon .svg
× EN 265
187,000 Corte do Poço
BSicon .svgBSicon exBUE.svgBSicon .svg
195,546 × EN255
196,000 Pias
BSicon .svgBSicon exBUE.svgBSicon .svg
× EN 392
202.100 Pipa
205.600 Machados
208.800 Vale de Rãs
BSicon .svgBSicon exBUE.svgBSicon .svg
× EN255
212.700 Moura


disused stretch of the Ramal de Moura near the bridge over the Guadiana river

The Ramal de Moura was a branch line in Portugal .

The Ramal de Moura connected the Beira train station on the Linha do Alentejo with the district towns of Serpa and Moura , with a total rail route of 58.8 km. The railway line was inaugurated in 1909 and shut down along with other lines in 1989.

Repeated political actions call for the reopening of the rail route, on the other hand, the movement of railroad cyclists is calling for the disused route to be rededicated to an eco-cycle path .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Railway routes for cyclists in Portugal - Ecopistas