Rasmus B. Anderson

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Rasmus B. Anderson (1887)

Rasmus Björn Anderson (born January 12, 1846 in Albion , Wisconsin , † March 2, 1936 in Madison , Wisconsin) was an American Scandinavian scholar , university professor and diplomat who was Prime Minister and Consul General in Denmark between 1885 and 1889 .


Rasmus Björn Anderson was one of ten children of the immigrant Björn Anderson Kvelve from Norway and his wife Abel Catherine von Krogh. After graduating from the Evangelical Lutheran Luther College in 1866, he worked as a postmaster in Madison and as a teacher at the Albion Academy . In 1867 he took over a professorship for Scandinavian languages and literature at the University of Wisconsin – Madison and taught there until 1883. In 1868 he was a substitute delegate for Wisconsin at the Republican National Convention , which took place from May 20 to 21, 1868 at Crosby's Opera House took place in Chicago . In addition to his teaching activities, he wrote various non-fiction books such as America Not Discovered by Columbus , published in 1874 , in which he awarded the discovery of America not to Christopher Columbus in 1492 , but to the Grænlendingar under Leif Eriksson around 500 years earlier around 1000. In 1881 he translated the 1859 story Arne by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson into English .

On April 2, 1885 Anderson was appointed Minister Resident and Consul General in Denmark and handed over there on June 1, 1885 as the successor to Wickham Hoffman, his letter of accreditation . He remained in this post until he was replaced by Clark E. Carr on August 28, 1889.

After his return to the USA, Ralph B. Anderson was editor-in-chief and publisher of the Norwegian- language weekly newspaper Amerika from 1889 to 1922 and at the same time president of the insurance company Wisconsin Life Insurance Co. from 1895 to 1922 and editor-in-chief of the Norrœna Society , Scandinavian literature, between 1905 and 1907 published in English. In 1915 the autobiographical work Life Story of Rasmus B. Anderson , written together with Albert O. Barton, appeared . His marriage to Bertha Karina Olson († 1922) on July 21, 1868 resulted in two daughters and three sons. After his death from complications from pneumonia on March 2, 1936 at the age of 90, he was buried in Lake Ripley Cemetery , Cambridge .


  • America Not Discovered by Columbus (1874)
  • Norse Mythology (1875)
  • Viking Tales of the North (1877)
  • The Younger Edda (1880)
  • Life Story of Rasmus B. Anderson (1915, co-author Albert O. Barton)

Web links

  • Entry on the homepage of the Office of the Historian of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Rasmus B. Anderson in the nndb (English)
  • Entry in The Political Graveyard

Individual evidence

  1. Chiefs of Mission for Denmark on the website of the Office of the Historian of the US State Department