Council of Imams and Scholars in Germany

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The Council of Imams and Scholars in Germany ( RIGD for short ) is an association of Islamic religious scholars in Germany . This was founded in 2000 and is based in Frankfurt am Main . The RIGD is an associated member of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany .


At the end of 2010, the council stated that it had more than 113 imams as full members and more than 50 imams as associate members. The associated members have the right to participate in the meetings of the RIGD. All imams in the RIGD are active as such and sometimes look after around 1000 believers in religious, religious law and spiritual areas. From this it is concluded that the RIGD looks after more than 100,000 believers in Germany. The members of the RIGD include Arab , Turkish , Bosnian and German members. The RIGD therefore represents the multilingualism of today's Islam in Germany .

The RIGD maintains various committees, in particular the committee for fatwa , for information on Islamic law, and the committee for teaching Islam . The elected chairman of the RIGD (as of 1/2011) is Khaled Hanafy , an Al-Azhar university professor , imam and legal scholar.


According to its own statements, the RIGD is a neutral society of scholars and is solely committed to Islamic research and teaching. It sees itself as independent of ethnic associations, political currents or states and is subject to neither direct nor indirect outside influence. According to its own statements, the association aims to cultivate the natural image of Islam as a way of the center and as a conciliatory religion that recognizes the other book religions, Judaism and Christianity , and to help the Muslim community in their everyday life to be German and to feel and experience their being Muslim as a harmonious unit.


Both the Islamic scholar Aladdin Sarhan and the Hessian Office for the Protection of the Constitution see the RIGD as part of the extremist Muslim Brotherhood .

Individual evidence

  1. Volker Siefert: Celebration of the Islamic Community causes a stir Hessenschau from November 25, 2016, accessed on March 29, 2017.
  2. Aladdin Sarhan: The Muslim Brotherhood in Germany, accessed on March 29, 2017

Web links