Regina (grape variety)

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Afus Ali
Synonyms Datier de Beyrouth, Hafiz Ali, Regina - for more see the Synonyms section
Afus Ali
Art Grape vine ( Vitis vinifera subsp. Vinifera )
Berry color White
origin Lebanon
VIVC no. 122
List of grape varieties

Regina is a white grape variety . It is the second most widely grown table grape after the Sultana variety and occupies a total of 120,000–150,000 hectares of vineyards worldwide . It is also used in white wine production under the name “Afus Ali” .

It probably comes from the Middle East and was already known there in the Middle Ages. In 1883 it was brought to France from Beirut , Lebanon, by a silk merchant . Since the original name was not known, it became known there under the name Dattier de Beyrouth - not least because of its large date-shaped berries.


The main cultivation areas are Italy (approx. 50,000 hectares), Turkey (approx. 30,000 hectares), Spain (approx. 10,000 hectares), Greece (approx. 10,000 hectares), Australia (approx. 7,200 hectares), Bulgaria and Romania. Because of its widespread use, there are plenty of synonyms for this variety. Approx. 250,000–300,000 tons of grapes are imported into Germany alone under various synonyms.


The large, golden yellow, somewhat hard-skinned and therefore crunchy berries have a slight nutmeg taste. The vine sprouts about a week after the Gutedel . The late-ripening variety can be harvested four weeks after the Gutedel at the earliest.


Dattier de Beyrouth - Regina grape

240 synonyms are used: Actoni, Actoni Maceron, Actoni Real, Aelibar Drenak, Aetoni Maceron, Afouz Ali, Afouz Aly, Afrus Ali, Afruz Ali, Afus Ali Hijeli, Afuz Ali, Afuz Ali Alb, Afuz Ali Bijeli, Agrazaki, Alepo, Aleppo, Aleppoi Szoeloe, Aleppou, Alfons, Alfonse Ali, Allepo, Alltin Tas, Altan Tash, Altin Tas, Altin Tas Razaki, Anatoliko, Anatolitiko, Archaniotiko, Arkanoiotiko, Axiangelas, Axinangelus, Aydin Razakisi, Bali Dranak, Bayuradi, Bayrout Hranak Beirutska Urma, Beiruty Datolya, Bejrutska, Bejrutska Cilibarka, Bejrutska Urma, Belle Doree, Beyroute Khourmassi, Beyrut Hurmasi, Beyrutska Smokva, Beyrutski Urmach, Boldon, Boldun, Bolgar, Bolgar Szoelurn, Bolgarszelare, Bolgar Szoeloe, Bolgarszelolo, Bolgarszeloe, Bolgars, Carzelou, Bolgar Szoelurn, Bolgarszeligoe, Bolgars, Carzelou , Celibar Drenak, Celibar Drenk, Chafouz Ali, Chondrorogo, Cilibar, Cotico, Cottico, Daltal grape, Date Beirut, Date de Beirut, Date de Bejrut, Datier de Beyrouth, Datil de Beirut, Datilera, Datilera de Beirut, Datolya Szoeloe, date grape, Dattero, Dat tero di Beyrouth, Dattero di Negroponte, Dattier, Dattier de Beiroth, Dattier de Beyrouth, Datye de Beyrut, Dimiski, Donna, Drenk Royal, Eleme, Galletta, Garaburnu, Geinovyi, Geroso, Gerosolomitana, Ginevra, Ginevra di Tivoli, , Greco Napoletano, Grozderadsco, Hafez Ali, Hafiz Ali, Hafizali, Hafus-Ali, Hafuz Ali, Imperial, Imperiale, Insani, Insolia, Insolia Parchitana, Insolie Parchitana, Inzolia, Inzolia Imperiale, Iurum Iuzum, Izmir Razaki, Jerbi, Karabournou, Karaburnii, Karaburnu, Kararubun, Kerino, Maceron, Mamella de Vaca, Marinkovica Grozje, Markindi, Marsigliana Bianca, Marsiguiana Bianca, Medoni, Mena Vaca Blanca, Menavacca, Menavacca Bianca, Menna Vacca, Mennavacca, Nebi Oana de, Parchitro, Parchitro Pergolana, Pergolona, ​​Pergolona di Ortona, Pergolone, Provalone, Provolone, Qaraburnu, Radovaca, Raisin d'Or, Raisin de Constantinople, Raisin de Constantinopole, Rasaki, Rasaki di Rodi, Razacha Carmaz, Razachie Alba, Razachie de Dealul Razaki Arch anon, Razaki Aspro, Razaki Beyaz, Razaki di Rodi, Razaki Gelber, Razaki Isla de Creta, Razaki Kabalas, Razaki Of Kavala, Razakisi Duelekkoy, Razakiya, Razaqui, Raziqi, Real, Redzhina, Regina, Regina Bianca, Regina, Regina de Beyrouth, Regina Della Malvasie, Regina di Puglia, Regina di Spagna, Regina Precoce, Regine, Rexhina, Rhajaki, Rhajaki Aspro, Rhazaki, Rhazaki Arhanon, Rhazaki Arkanon, Rosaki, Rosaki Blanco, Rosaki D Anatolie, Rosaki Sari Dorado , Rosani, Roseti, Rosetti, Rosseti, Rozaki, Rozaki D Anatolia, Rozaki de Dyalul Mare, Rozaki Sari, Rozakiya, Rozaky, Rozeti, Sam Razaki, Sareqradskiy, Sarga Lugas, Sarga Rozaki, Sarga Rumonya, Sasla Shasla Zamuska., Shasla Zamuska Zamushka, Smyrneiko, Smyrniko, Stambolese, Stamboleze, Sultanai Razaki, Sultani Razaki, Tamar Beyrouth, Tamar Chulata, Tamar Hulata, Tatarka Bela, Teneron de Vaucluse, Teramo, Teta de Vaca, Tetasky di Vaca, Tete de Vache, Tsaregradskij Tsarigrasko Grossde, Tzar Na Grozdata, T zarigradsco Grozde, Uirum, Uirum Iuzum, Uva Bianca di Serdiana 2, Uva del Vaticane, Uva del Vaticano, Uva di Constantinopla, Uva di S. Francesco, Uva di S. Francisco, Uva di San Francesco, Uva Donna, Uva Ghiotta, Uva Ghiotto, Uva Marchesa, Uva Real, Uva Regina, Uva Turca, Waltham Cross, Zeine, Zeini, Zhuta Razakiya, Zirnsko Belo .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Regina (grape variety) in the database Vitis International Variety Catalog of the Institute for Grapevine Breeding Geilweilerhof (English), in August 2020
