Regina Horowitz

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Regina Samoilowna Horowitz ( Russian Регина Самойловна Горовиц ; * December 29, 1899 July / January 10,  1900 greg. In Berdychiv ; † September 9, 1984 in Charkow ) was a Ukrainian - Russian pianist and university teacher .


Regina Horowitz attended high school in Kiev with graduation in 1916. She studied at the Kiev Conservatory in Vladimir Puchalski's piano class with graduation in 1919. From 1920 to 1925 she was répétiteur of the Kiev Philharmonic . After a guest performance in Moscow, she became a répétiteur of the Kharkov Philharmonic Orchestra (1927–1936). In the 1920s and 1930s she performed in the Soviet Union . As an accompanist , she performed with Nathan Milstein , Dawid Oistrach , Samuil Furer and other musicians .

In 1937 Horowitz began teaching at the Kharkov Music School. She taught at the Kharkov Conservatory from 1939. In addition, she taught from 1947 at the Kharkov Youth Music School at the Kharkov Conservatory.

Horowitz maintained contact with her younger brother Vladimir Horowitz , who had finally moved to the United States in 1939 and received US citizenship in 1944. Beginning in the 1960s, she received sound recordings from her brother and made them known to the Kharkov musicians. Her career suffered as a result and she was unable to leave the country. In 1975 Jakow Sak described Horowitz's excellent teaching in the magazine Sowjetskaja Musika . Her students included Taras Krawzow and Igor Naimark .

Horowitz was married to Yevsei Liberman .

Individual evidence

  1. Руденко Н. І .: Регіна Самійлівна Горовиць та її уроки . Kiev 2001.
  2. Руденко Н. И .: Регина Самойловна Горовиц - человек, музыкант, педагог . In: Истоки . No. 6 , 2000, pp. 162-179 .
  3. СЕРЕНАДА, муз. С. Рахманинова, САМУИЛ ФУРЕР, (скрипка), Регина Горовиц (ф-но) (“Serenade”, Sergej Rachmaninov, Regina Horowitz, accompanied by Samuil Furerian at the piano), sound recording from July 6th, 1947, 2017.
  4. Юлия Бентя. Сознательный творец . In: Столичные новости . tape 280 , no. 35 , 2003.