Regional music association Emsland / Grafschaft Bentheim

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The logo of the RMegionalmusikverband

The Regional Music Association Emsland / Grafschaft Bentheim eV (RMV) is a professional association founded in 1987 for instrumental amateur music for brass music , minstrels and fanfare groups and drum bands in the districts of Emsland and Grafschaft Bentheim in Lower Saxony .

The RMV represents the interests of over 73 member associations with over 5,200 musicians. Petra Midden is the chairman and Frank Schmitz is the managing director.


The regional music association Emsland / Grafschaft Bentheim was founded on December 11, 1987 and is entered in the register of associations at the Osnabrück District Court. He is a member of the Kreisjugendring Emsland and the Grafschaft Bentheim, the Landesmusikrat Niedersachsen eV , the Lower Saxony Music Association and the Federal Association of German Music Associations (BDMV). He is responsible for the area of ​​the districts of Emsland and Grafschaft Bentheim and currently (as of 2019) consists of 48 music associations, 19 marching bands , 2 fanfare bands , a drummer band , an accordion orchestra , a music contact point and a music school .

tasks and goals

The tasks of the association include the promotion of art and culture, in particular the promotion and preservation of brass and minstrel music, and the associated maintenance of regional musical culture.

The primary goal is the training and further education of amateur musicians of the member associations, especially young musicians, combined with further training to become registrars, trainers and conductors.

The aim is also to bring together all the wind orchestras, music groups and marching bands in the Emsland and Grafschaft Bentheim districts to form an important lobby group.


Every year the association organizes numerous seminars and workshops for musicians in the association area and beyond. Courses in E, D and C are also regularly included.

He is also responsible for district-wide public relations, networking at the political level of both districts, assistance in the musical and organizational area of ​​clubs ( GEMA etc.) and the awarding of badges of honor and loyalty.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Caroline Theiling-Brauhardt: club with 4200 members: Regional Music Association Emsland celebrates its 30th anniversary. Retrieved October 25, 2019 .
  2. ^ Anna Heidtmann: Regional Music Association completely renewed management team. In: New Osnabrück Newspaper . November 28, 2017. Retrieved October 19, 2019 .
  3. Lower Saxony Music Association e. V. Retrieved October 25, 2019 .