Reiner Luyken

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Reiner Luyken (2014)

Reiner Luyken (born October 11, 1951 in Starnberg ) is a book author, columnist and former foreign correspondent for the German weekly newspaper Die Zeit , who lives in Achiltibuie in the Scottish highlands. From here he traveled the world, mostly for lengthy research. Luyken is married, has four children and a grandfather five times.


Luyken was born in Starnberg in 1951 and passed the humanistic Abitur at the Karlsgymnasium in Munich-Pasing in 1970 . He then completed an apprenticeship as a harpsichord maker and worked as an organ builder, truck driver and carpenter. In 1978 Luyken moved to Scotland , where he worked as a salmon fisherman for six years. In 1982 Die Zeit published his first article. In 1984 he spent two months in the USA on a scholarship from the Michael-Jürgen-Leisler-Kiep Foundation . Until 1994 he worked as a freelance author for Die Zeit , GEO , Merian and numerous other publications. He has been under contract with the time since 1994 .

After starting a family in 1980 (wife Sheileagh Gunn, four children * 1980, 1983, 1985, 1988), he settled in northern Scotland. His glossy Mail from Achiltibuie , which appeared occasionally during this period , is very popular. In August 2015 the Ullsteinverlag published his book Schotten Dicht - Nachrichten aus Scottland und Achiltibuie .



Web links

Commons : Reiner Luyken  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

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