Rendsburg swing bridges

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Swing bridge from 1895
Double swing bridge from 1912

The Rendsburg swing bridges spanned the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal in Rendsburg.

Building history

Rendsburg's first swing bridge over the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal was built in 1895. She was soon too small. In the course of the canal expansion, it was replaced by a new building in 1912. Conceived by Friedrich Voss , like its predecessor, it also ran the Rendsburger Kreisbahn across the canal until 1957 . The Rendsburger Kreisbahn was opened in 1901.

The increasing number of ship movements led to longer and longer traffic jams in front of the bridge at the end of the 1950s. It was shut down on July 24, 1961. On July 25, 1961, the Rendsburg Canal Tunnel was opened for car traffic as part of Bundesstraße 77 . Only the transporter bridge and one ferry were available for pedestrians. The pedestrian tunnel was opened on May 28, 1965 . He is known for the escalators , which were the longest in Europe at the time. The swing bridge was dismantled in 1964. The abutment and a memorial plaque can still be seen near the pedestrian tunnel.

From 1895 to 1913 there was also a swing bridge further east for the Neumünster – Flensburg railway line , which was replaced by the Rendsburg high bridge.

See also


Web links

Commons : Rendsburg swing bridge  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Rendsburg swing bridge (