Ricardo Basilio Morales Galindo

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Ricardo Basilio Morales Galindo OdeM (born September 11, 1972 in San Fernando ) is a Chilean Roman Catholic religious and appointed Bishop of Copiapó .


Ricardo Basilio Morales Galindo first became a lawyer and studied at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile , where, in addition to a degree in theology, he also obtained a degree in educational science and a diploma in canon law . He also obtained a master's degree in child, youth and family law from the University of Diego Portales . He joined the order of the Mercedarians and made perpetual profession on June 24, 2005 . On March 3, 2006, he received the sacrament of ordination .

In his religious community, he was active in pastoral care for young people, in the training of religious students and as a provincial councilor. He taught as a professor at the Caritas Training Center and at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. At the church court he worked as a marriage bond defender and church attorney. Most recently he was Provincial of his Order Province. From June 2018 to February 2020 he was Apostolic Administrator of the vacant Archdiocese of Puerto Montt .

Pope Francis appointed him Bishop of Copiapó on June 20, 2020.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Nomina del Vescovo di Copiapó (Cile). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , June 20, 2020, accessed June 20, 2020 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Celestino Aós Braco OFMCap Bishop of Copiapó
since 2020