Ricardo Serrão Santos

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Ricardo Abreu da Piedade Serrão Santos , mostly Ricardo Serrão Santos (born October 11, 1954 in Portalegre ) is a Portuguese marine biologist . From May 2014 to 2019 he held a mandate as an independent MEP for the Portuguese Socialists (PS) . Since October 26, 2019, he has been a member of the Costa II Cabinet, Minister for Marine Affairs .

academic career

Born in Portugal inland Portugal, in Portalagre, Santos completed his Bachelor ( Licenciatura ) in Psychology and Behavioral Ecology at the Instituto Superior de Pscicologia Apolicada (ISPA) in Lisbon from 1974-79 . He completed his master's ( APCC ) in 1984 at the University of the Azores , in his thesis he dealt with the behavioral analysis of Blennius sanguinolentus (title of the thesis: “Contribuição para o Estudo da Eto-Ecologia de Blennius sanguinolentus Pallas (Pisces: Blenniidae) do litoral rochoso dos Açores ”). He did his PhD in 1992 at the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Liverpool . In 1993 Santos received his doctorate again at the University of the Azores.

Santos' research focus is on behavioral ecology , primarily of fish. He has published numerous academic articles in national and international journals. In addition to his own academic work, he supervised numerous theses.

Santos was Head of the Department of Oceanography and Fisheries at the University of the Azores between 1997 and 2011 . Since 2003 he has held the position of Vice-Rector responsible for the “Integration of Maritime Affairs” (Integração dos Assuntos do Mar) at the same university. He was or is represented in numerous committees, including a. in the Committee for Research Infrastructure of the European Commission, in the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and in the Scientific Council for Environmental and Marine Research of the Portuguese Ministry of Science. He was also the national coordinator for scientific cooperation in the field of marine research between Portugal and France.

In July 2007, Joseph Borġ , then EU Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs , awarded Santos the title of “Maritime Ambassador”.


In 2014, the Portuguese Socialists (PS) nominated Santos for fifth place on the list for the 2014 European elections, although he himself is non-party. The PS received 31.7 percent of the vote, so Santos has been a MEP for Portugal since May 2014. He is the second representative of the Azores in the European Parliament alongside Sofia Ribeiro .


Santos is married with two children and lives in Horta , on the Azores island of Faial.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ana Carvalho Melo: Ricardo Serrão Santos é o candidato do PS / Açores às Europeias. In: Açoriano Oriental. March 25, 2014, accessed June 2, 2014 (Portuguese).