Richard Domba Mady

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Richard Domba Mady (born January 10, 1953 in Aba , Democratic Republic of the Congo ) is a Congolese clergyman and bishop of Doruma-Dungu .


Richard Domba Mady received on 14 September 1980, the sacrament of Holy Orders .

On March 14, 1994, Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Doruma-Dungu . The Archbishop of Kisangani , Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya , donated him episcopal ordination on July 31 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Goma , Faustin Ngabu , and the Apostolic Nuncio in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Archbishop Faustino Sainz Muñoz .

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predecessor Office successor
Emile Aiti Waro Leru'a Bishop of Doruma-Dungu
since 1996