Richard Meier (educator)

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Richard Meier (born September 23, 1937 in Ulm ) is a German educator and university teacher for elementary school education . Until his retirement in 2002 he worked at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and dealt in particular with the development of active primary school lessons, issues of differentiation and inclusion, non- specialist didactics and “personality- enhancing ” teacher training.


Richard Meier grew up in Ulm and graduated from school in Ulm as well as in an advanced high school in Schwäbisch Gmünd . He studied at the Pedagogical Institute in Heidelberg , where he passed the first state examination for teaching at elementary schools in 1962. In the same year he started his first job in the school service of the state of Baden-Württemberg near Sinsheim im Kraichgau .

From 1968 to 1970 he was a member of the Institute for Elementary School Education and from 1970 to 1972 as a lecturer at the University of Education in Berlin . During this time, numerous lectures on the development of the newly established subject teaching were already held.

In 1972 Richard Meier was appointed to a professorship at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, a position he held until his retirement in 2002. Richard Meier advised on the development of primary school curricula in Bremen, Hesse and Luxembourg and accompanied various school trials (including the "Integration" school trial in Rüsselsheim ). During this time he developed an objective catalog of suggestions, which should prevent an "encyclopedic processing" of curricula, but should create the opportunity for exploratory and active work with a limitation to three or four topics per year.

In the 1990s he developed a pedagogical and didactic sample library for literature that has been published in Western countries since 1953. He also worked on the development of job offers for student teachers.

Focus of work

In the field of independent university elementary school pedagogy and elementary school didactics, Meier is one of the "pioneers in German-speaking countries". Together with Erwin Schwartz , Kurt Warwel and Hans Arno Horn, he founded the Primary School Working Group (now the Primary School Association ) in 1968 . He judged u. a. Conferences and congresses, published its own magazine in Braunschweig and the series Contributions to the reform of the primary school .

Meier dealt with questions of teacher training, curriculum development, the methodical and didactic development of elementary school teaching as well as the didactics and methodology of subject teaching. The focus was on multiplier work. The focus was on environment and environmental education and methodically the learning culture in the primary school with "open" and project-oriented approaches. Meier defended primary school teaching as a content-related and methodical entirety of scientific-technical and social-human science topics and questions.

Meier used new, auditory media, as these are part of everyday life for children.

Meier defines the basic subjects of general science as “phenomena and living conditions”, “things” and “situations”. For Meier, the design affects both the social situation in the class and the design of work processes and results.

His didactic ideas led to a new learning and teaching culture; this has now established itself in many German primary schools, which have taken on a progressive pioneering role in this regard in the German school system. Janusz Korczak and Adolf Reichwein play an important role in seminar events .

Meier has been developing numerous media since 1964. In 1968 he began working on the magazines Grundschule (Braunschweig) and Die Grundschulzeitschrift . In 2009 Richard Meier received the Erwin Schwartz Primary School Prize.


Richard Meier has been married since 1964 and has four children with his wife.


  • Richard Meier (together with Gudrun Dreßler, Gertrud Beck, Ernest Jouhy): Learning goal I experience. Building blocks for social learning in primary school. Radio plays as teaching materials. Suggestions for didactics and methodology of the lesson design. Munich, Berlin, Vienna 1976. ( DNB 760219168 )
  • Richard Meier and Michael Bahns: Learning together. Differentiation and free work in elementary school. Stuttgart 19871, 132 pp. (2nd edition 1987).
  • Richard Meier: Right from the start: differentiated. Subject: Erbildung, 15 (1982) 6, pp. 29-31.
  • Richard Meier: Independent activity in class. Why - where and how? - In: Grundschule, 15 (1983) 1, pp. 13-16.
  • Richard Meier: Subject lessons where? Subjective considerations on curriculum changes in Baden-Württemberg. In: Grundschule, 15 (1983) 6, pp. 6-9.
  • Richard Meier: Make the children responsible for learning. Changed primary school: From the dressage school. to the space for independent learning. In: Erbildung und Wissenschaft, 40 (1988) 3, pp. 6-11.
  • Meier, Richard: Local Studies - Subject Lessons? Where from? What for? Where? - In: Die Grundschulzeitschrift, 3 (1989) 21, p. 28 u. 20-27.
  • Ulrike Unterbruner & Richard Meier: Responsible environmental education through lively learning. - In: Die Grundschulzeitschrift, 3 (1989) 26, pp. 8-14.
  • Richard Meier: On the situation and necessary further development of mathematics lessons in primary school. In: Die Grundschulzeitschrift, 5 (1991) 42, pp. 36-37.
  • Richard Meier: Environmental education as a principle and teaching goal in primary school. In: Grundschulunterricht, 39 (1992) 2, pp. 4–5.
  • Richard Meier: Dimensions of Coexistence. In: Roland Lauterbach u. a. (Ed.): Dimensions of living together. Problems and perspectives of general science. Volume 4. IPN Kiel, 1993, pp. 15-46.
  • Richard Meier: ABC of primary school work - selection lexicon transition to environmental education. In: Grundschulunterricht 40 (1993b) issue 12, p. 57.
  • Richard Meier: The children in our class come from fourteen countries. A lesson sketch for the social area of ​​specialty classes and local studies. In: Grundschulunterricht, 40 (1993c) Heft 12, pp. 6-8
  • Richard Meier: Acting in Sachunterricht Part I - V. In: Grundschulunterricht 41 (1994) H. 10 pp. 4–5; H. 11 pp. 4-5; 42 (1995) H 1, pp. 44-46; H 2 pp. 38-40; ####
  • Meier, Richard: Educate in elementary school today (I). - In: Grundschulunterricht, 42 (1995) Heft 5, pp. 2–6; (II) 42 (1995) 7-8, pp. 47-49; (III) 43 (1996) 1, pp. 43-45; (IV) 43 (1996) No. 5, pp. 43-45; (V) 43 (1996) 6, pp. 67-69.
  • Richard Meier, Henning Unglaube, Gabriele Faust-Siehl (eds.): Subject teaching in the elementary school - contributions to the reform of the elementary school. Volume 101, Frankfurt 1997.
  • Richard Meier: Subject lessons where? In: Richard Meier, Henning Unglaube, Gabriele Faust-Siehl (eds.): General instruction in primary schools. Frankfurt 1997, pp. 27-44.
  • Meier, Richard: tendencies in primary school development. - In: Grundschulunterricht, 44 (1997) 9, pp. 2–3.
  • Richard Meier: Educate to values ​​- educate with values. - In: Grundschulunterricht, 46 (1999) 1, pp. 2–5.
  • Richard Meier: Open up the matter also through texts. How science classes can help children develop their language. - In: Grundschule Sprachen, (2003) 9, pp. 8–11.
  • Richard Meier: Practice in class - but how? - In: Die Grundschulzeitschrift, 22 (2008) 211, pp. 26-29.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Goethe University -. Retrieved September 20, 2019 .
  2. Meier 1992
  3. Meier 1993b
  4. Unterbruner & Meier 1989
  5. a b Meier 1997
  6. Meier 1995
  7. Meier 1999
  8. Dreßler, Beck, Meier, Jouhy 1976
  9. Meier 1997, p. 33 f.).
  10. Erwin Schwartz Primary School Prize - Primary School Association e. V.
  11. Laudation for the award of the Erwin Schwartz Elementary School Prize (PDF file)