Richard Paul Russo

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Richard Paul Russo (born December 11, 1954 in San José , California ) is an American science fiction writer.


Richard Paul Russo's first publication was the short story Firebird Suite (as Richard P. Russo) in Amazing Stories from September 1981. In 1983 he was a participant in the prestigious Clarion Science Fiction Writers' Workshop for aspiring science fiction and fantasy authors, in which he subsequently also worked as a lecturer. His first novel Inner Eclipse (dt. Inside Eclipse , 1993) was published in 1988. His second novel Subterranean Gallery (1989) (dt. The underground gallery , 1994) won the Philip K. Dick Award and was a finalist for the Arthur C. Clarke Award . It was followed by the Carlucci trilogy with Destroying Angel (1992) (Eng. Angel of Destruction , 1999), Carlucci's Edge (1995) and Carlucci's Heart (1997). In the atmospherically dense Carlucci novels, Russo describes a dystopian-trashy cyberpunk world. For his novel Ship of Fools Russo succeeded again in receiving the Philip K. Dick Award. His works also appeared in Italy and Israel.

Richard Paul Russo lives in Seattle .



The first publication is given:

Short story collections

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