Richard Reimans

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Richard Reimans (born June 9, 1882 in Maastricht , Netherlands; † March 1, 1959 in Paris , 13th district) was a Dutch painter at the Amsterdam Academy of Fine Arts.


Reimans was the son of the doctor Mathias Josef Reimans, inventor of the springless truss , and his wife Ida (nee Otten), both of whom lived in Maastricht / Netherlands. He found painting at an early age, studying the Dutch and Flemish masters of the 17th century at the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Amsterdam. His teachers were August Allebé , Dake and Lienhof.

At the age of 20 Reimans went to Paris and studied a. a. with Léon Bonnat and Jean-Paul Laurens . Reimans painted a lot in the Béarn, Picardy and Bourgogne regions. He created oil paintings, portraits, nudes, rural depictions and religious motifs.

Reimans was married to Juliette Lafourcade. This marriage resulted in the daughter Paulette Reimans, who herself worked as a sculptor in Paris and died in Paris in 1992 at the age of 92. She lived in Reimans' studio at 3 rue Bruxelles, Paris, until her death. R. Reimans himself lived at 65 Boulevard Arago, Paris, from 1928 until his death.

Works (selection)

  • 1900, "Portrait of the Belgian painter Félu",
  • 1904, "Portrait of the painter Dake",
  • 1908, “Portrait of Jean Willems, Reimans' brother-in-law” Oil on canvas 105 × 142 cm
  • 1913, "Altarpiece of the Cathedral of Noyon "
  • 1931, "Triptych Chapel Saint-Mumolin"
  • 1934, "Self-portrait in front of an easel"

Awards (selection)

  • Golden awards in Lyon
  • Golden Awards in London
  • 1924 competition in Strasbourg
  • 1927 Diploma in Bordeaux

Museums / churches (selection)

  • Troyes, musée des beaux-arts
  • Libourne
  • Oran
  • Saint-Mumolin Chapel
  • Thourotte Church (Oise)

Literature, books, encyclopedias, directories

  • Emmanuel Bénézit : Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs…, Nouv. Ed., Paris 1976, Volume 7, p. 664.
  • Reimans, Richard . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 28 : Ramsden-Rosa . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1934, p. 113 .
  • Richard Reimans . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists of the XX. Century. tape 4 : Q-U . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1958, p. 39 .
  • René Edouard-Josef: Dictionnaire biographique des artistes contemporaions (1910–1930). Volume 3: Mc-Z. No. 15, Edouard-Joseph, Paris 1934, p. 195, with illustration.