Rick Berry (Artist)

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Rick Berry (born Richard Riley on June 2, 1953 in San Bernardino , California ) is an American artist and illustrator who works primarily as a cover artist for science fiction and fantasy .


Berry, an artistic self-taught artist , became famous in the mid-1980s when he first used computer art for the cover design of an edition of William Gibson's Neuromancer (1984) . His covers mostly showed a single person, often equipped with machine parts or cybernetic implants. In addition to such covers, there are also quite conventional works by Berry from this period, such as the cover of Steve Perry's The Machiavelli Interface

In order to avoid a fixation on cover art for cyberpunk authors, his works for fantasy titles appeared for a while under the pseudonym Sam Rakeland. Examples of such covers that appear as paintings, mostly based on photographs, are the cover pictures for Five Hundred Years After and The Phoenix Guards by Steven Brust at Tor Books in his last works, for example the cover, which was awarded the Chesley Award in 2005 Queen of the Amazons by Judith Tarr he shows a lighter palette and pastel-like execution, similar to the works shown on his homepage.



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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Cover of: William Gibson: Neuromancer. Ace Books , 1984
  2. Cover of: Steve Perry: The Machiavelli Interface. Ace, 1986.
  3. Cover by: Steven Brust: Five Hundred Years After. Tor Books, 1995.
  4. Cover by: Steven Brust: The Phoenix Guards . Tor Books, 1994.
  5. Cover of: Judith Tarr: Queen of the Amazons. Tor Books, 2004.