Robert Domes

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Robert Domes (born October 27, 1961 in Ichenhausen , Bavaria ) is a German journalist and writer .


Robert Domes grew up as the son of a working-class family in Oxenbronn in Bavarian Swabia (Günzburg district). After graduating from high school and doing community service, he studied political science and communication science at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. He broke off his studies to start a traineeship at the Allgäuer Zeitung (AZ) in Kempten. He then worked in several of the publisher's editorial offices as a local editor. From 1988 he was editor of the AZ in Kaufbeuren. In 2001 he took over the management of the local editorial offices in Kaufbeuren and Buchloe. On July 1, 2002, he became self-employed as an author and journalist.

Domes is married to the actress Simone Schatz. He has three children from his first marriage and two children with his current wife. He lives with his family in Irsee in the Allgäu .

Activities and topics

Robert Domes works as a writer and journalist for various daily newspapers and magazines. He is also active in training journalists. He is a speaker and team leader, among other things in the local journalist program of the Federal Agency for Civic Education , in the journalistic promotion of young talent of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and for private clients. In 2002 Domes began researching Ernst Lossa's life . The boy came from parents from the group of Yeniche who were traveling as traveling peddlers in southern Germany. Ernst was taken from his parents in 1933 and grew up in homes. Although he was neither handicapped nor mentally ill, in 1942 he was deported to the Kaufbeuren-Irsee sanatorium in the Allgäu. There he was murdered in 1944 at the age of 14 with an overdose of morphine scopolamine. He was one of the presumably over 200,000 victims of euthanasia under National Socialism. Domes described the life of Ernst Lossa in his factual novel “Nebel im August”, which was published in 2008 by cbt (Random House) as a book for young people. The book is now used in schools as classroom reading. The author received several awards for the work. The novel was filmed in 2015 under the direction of Kai Wessel . The film was released in German cinemas in September 2016 (see Nebel im August ). In addition, Domes wrote the Allgäu crime novels Voralpenphönix and Almwiesengift in 2014 and 2015 , both of which are set in Kaufbeuren and in Ostallgäu.



  • German Local Journalist Award of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (special award)
  • Journalist Prize from the Association of Bavarian Districts
  • 2009 nomination for the Gustav Heinemann Peace Prize for Fog in August
  • 2009 Bronzener Lufti , literature prize of the youth jury of the Mecklenburg Literature Society for Fog in August
  • Federal Medal of Merit of the Yenish Federation in Germany
  • 2010 Marion Samuel Prize from the Remembrance Foundation

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