Robert Engelhorn

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Robert Engelhorn (1856-1944) .jpg

Robert Engelhorn (born December 28, 1856 in Mannheim ; † September 7, 1944 ) was a German painter and patron.


Engelhorn's father was the entrepreneur Friedrich Engelhorn , who was instrumental in founding BASF in Ludwigshafen am Rhein in 1865 .

Between 1867 and 1873 Robert Engelhorn attended the Lyceum in Mannheim and then studied painting with Ernst Hildebrand in Karlsruhe and Jules-Joseph Lefebvre in Paris. Following his studies, he initially worked as a genre and landscape painter in Munich and later settled in Baden-Baden. His pictures were u. a. Exhibited in 1897 at the Great Art Exhibition in Berlin, in 1906 at the anniversary exhibition in Karlsruhe and in 1911 in the Munich Glass Palace.

Seal of the Free Artists' Association of Baden

Robert Engelhorn was the founder of the "Free Artists' Association Baden-Baden" and in 1906 suggested the construction of the art gallery in Baden-Baden. He became the main shareholder of the development company and made an amount of 140,000 marks available for the project. That was more than half of the pure construction costs, which amounted to 220,000 marks. Finally, the institution was able to open its doors in 1909. For his commitment in this regard, he was awarded the title of professor by the Grand Duke of Baden.

Due to the inflation of 1922/23 Robert Engelhorn lost a large part of his fortune. He spent the last years of his life at Schloss Sinnershausen not far from Hümpfershausen in Thuringia.


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