Robert Ganse

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Robert Ganse (born February 24, 1909 in Kassel , † August 13, 1972 in East Berlin ) was a German gynecologist and 1951/52 member of the Saxon state parliament.


Ganse studied medicine in Cologne, Frankfurt am Main, Münster and Hamburg. Doctorate in 1936.

After the Nazi seizure of power, he was imprisoned in the Brauweiler concentration camp and charged with " high treason ", but acquitted for lack of evidence. From 1937 he trained as a gynecologist in Altona and Berlin. In 1944/45 he was conscripted as a gynecologist in occupied Poznan.

In 1945 he became an assistant and later head of the polyclinic at the University Women's Clinic in Erlangen. There he joined the KPD and became chairman of the association of those persecuted by the Nazi regime in Bavaria. In 1947 he was dismissed from the Bavarian university service for political reasons.

He then moved to the Soviet occupation zone. In Dresden he was promoted to head physician at a women's clinic. From 1954 to 1972 he was head of the gynecological clinic of the Medical Academy there, since 1955 with the title of professor. He earned services primarily in gynecological cancer research.


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