Robert Ganzoni

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Robert Corrado Ganzoni (born September 7, 1884 in Celerina / Schlarigna ; † June 20, 1963 there ; reformed ; resident in Celerina) was a Swiss lawyer and politician ( FDP ).


Robert Ganzoni was born on September 7, 1884 in Celerina / Schlarigna as the son of the farmer Robert Antoni Ganzoni. After attending the village school in Celerina, Ganzoni graduated from the canton school in Chur, then devoted himself to studying law in Germany before doing his doctorate at the University of Bern . He then worked as a lawyer in Celerina.

As a result, Ganzoni was politically active for the Free Democratic Party. He was a member of the Grisons Grand Council from 1921 to 1926 , and from 1927 to 1935 he headed the Education and Medical Department of the Small Council .

After leaving the government, Ganzoni returned to Celerina, where he again worked as a lawyer and as President of the Maloja District Court . In addition, from 1937 to 1945 he worked as an editor at Fögl d'Engiadina and Fögl Ladin . He also chaired the Società Retorumantscha from 1935 to 1955 and the Bündner FDP from 1943 to 1945.

Ganzoni's particular commitment was to recognize Romansh as the fourth national language and to protect the Upper Engadine lake landscape.

Robert Ganzoni was married to Ulrica, the daughter of the businessman Richard Campell. He died on June 20, 1963 at the age of 79 in Celerina / Schlarigna.


  • The contracts of the spouses with third parties and among themselves according to the Swiss Civil Code compared with the private law of Graubünden, excluding the marriage contract. 1915.


  • Gian-Paul Ganzoni: Monografia da Schlarigna, 1982, pp. 220-226, 2nd edition, 1990.

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