Robert Hopfelt

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Robert Hopfelt (born March 20, 1870 in Hamburg , † October 14, 1936 in Hamburg) was a German engineer and entrepreneur.


Born as the son of the Hamburg businessman Georg Christian Hopfert and Agnes geb. Radatz, Robert Hopfert attended the secondary school in Wandsbek . He then studied engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt and the Technical University of Munich . In Darmstadt he became a member of the Corps Rhenania. After completing his studies, he went to Westinghouse in Pittsburgh in the USA for a year . He then returned to Germany and worked for three years at Union-Elektrizitätswerke in Berlin and two years at Akkumulatoren-Fabrik AG in Hagen . He then ran his own laboratory in Berlin for twelve years. With the inventions made there, he founded Metallizier GmbH in Hamburg . which he converted into a stock corporation in 1920. Since then he has been a director and member of the board of directors of the company, which specialized in the manufacture of spray metal coatings. Among other things, it produced and marketed metal injection units in Europe and North America using the process developed by Max Ulrich Schoop , from whom it had acquired the rights. One of their first American customers was the Metals Coating Company of America in Philadelphia, which acquired the majority of the shares in Metallisierungs AG in the early 1930s .

Hopfelt was married to Margarete Dietrich. They had a daughter. He was a member of the Association of German Engineers .


  • Electrode for arc-lamps , 1902 (US Patent 700495 A)
  • Electric resistance apparatus , 1902 (US Patent 739181 A)
  • Method of making coils for electrical purposes , 1905 (DRP 176009)
  • Process for removing oxygen from vessels , 1910 (US Patent 975040 A)
  • The organization of a factory , 1911
  • Aluminum welding process , 1922 (DRP 397242)
  • Method for preventing scorification of fire bars, grate surfaces, and the like , 1925 (US Patent 1663944 A)


  • Hopfelt, Robert. In: Robert Volz: Reich manual of the German society . The handbook of personalities in words and pictures. Volume 1: A-K. Deutscher Wirtschaftsverlag, Berlin 1930, DNB 453960286 , p. 799.
  • Hopfelt, Robert. In: Georg Wenzel: German business leader . Life courses of German business personalities. A reference book on 13,000 business figures of our time. Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt, Hamburg / Berlin / Leipzig 1929, DNB 948663294 , Sp. 1007.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Address list of the Weinheimer SC. 1928, p. 97.
  2. ITSA History at