Robert Hunter (politician)

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Robert (Bob) Hunter (born October 13, 1941 in Saint-Boniface , Manitoba , Canada ; † May 2, 2005 , Toronto , Ontario , Canada) was a Canadian journalist , author and politician who was one of the founders of Greenpeace in 1971 .


Hunter was born and raised in Saint-Boniface , a borough of Winnipeg . Due to lack of money, he worked in a factory in Vancouver in 1960 , but decided to return to Winnipeg in the same year, where he first worked for Burns & Company Packing House. To make money, he sold encyclopedias without a license . As a result, he was arrested and spent one night in prison. He then began his work at the Winnipeg Tribune , initially only as a "copy boy".

On his trip to Europe , more precisely to Paris and London , he met Zoe Rahim, his future wife. At that time she was already active in the anti-nuclear weapons movement. She got pregnant and so he married her. In 1963 they took part in the peace march to Aldermaston together . In 1963 they went to Winnipeg with their son Conan, where Hunter became a journalist at the Winnipeg Tribune . They later moved to Vancouver, where their second child Justine was born in 1965 . In 1968 Hunter published his first book, the novella Erebus . For this he was nominated for the Governor General's Award . Through this nomination, he managed to counter-culture of the columnist Vancouver Sun to be. In 1975 he became chairman of Greenpeace for two years .

In 1988 he moved to Toronto, where he became a reporter for City TV and a columnist for Eye magazine . In 1992 he received the Governor General's Award for his book Occupied Canada. The Time magazine has named Hunter in 2000 as one of the ten largest environmentalists of the 20th century. In 2001 he was a candidate for the Ontario Liberal Party .

Until 2007, Robert Hunter was also the name of a ship belonging to the environmental organization Sea Shepherd , which campaigns for the protection of the oceans and their creatures. The ship was renamed in his name after the death of the Australian documentary filmmaker and animal rights activist Steve Irwin . Bob Hunter died of prostate cancer in Toronto on May 2, 2005 at the age of 63 .


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