Robert Molle

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Robert Molle in 2011

Robert "Bob" Molle (born September 23, 1962 in Saskatoon , Saskatchewan ) is a retired Canadian wrestler , Canadian football player and current wrestling coach .


Bob Molle began as a teenager at the Even Hardy High School in Saskatoon with the rings . After transferring to Simon Fraser University in Burnaby , British Columbia , he continued wrestling there, but also worked as a Canadian football player and as a triathlete. He was the most successful, trained by Mike Jones, as a wrestler. In 1983 he won a bronze medal in free style in the super heavyweight division at the Pan American Games in Caracas and at the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles he seized the opportunity and won the silver medal in the super heavyweight division behind the outstanding American Bruce Baumgartner .

After these Olympics he wrestled at the national level for a few years, but focused primarily on his professional career as a Canadian football player. He played for eight years with the Winnipeg "Blue Bombers" and won the Canadian championship in 1988 and 1990 with this team.

He was Canadian wrestling champion in 1983, 1984, 1985 and 1987 in super heavyweight, free style.

From 1991 Bob Molle was a wrestling coach at the Manitoba Wrestling Club.

International success

(OS = Olympic Games, WM = World Championship, F = freestyle, SS = super heavyweight, back then from 100 kg to 130 kg body weight)

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