Robert Pfeffer

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Karl Robert Pfeffer

Karl Robert Pfeffer (born March 14, 1941 in Berlin , † May 24, 1979 in Beirut ) was a German journalist and Middle East expert.

He is the third son of the sociologist Karl Heinz Pfeffer and the teacher Margaret Wainman Kirby. His brothers are the lawyer Franz Pfeffer, the Bonn animal physiologist Ernst Pfeffer and the ethnologist Georg Pfeffer. Karl Robert Pfeffer attended Forman Christian College in Lahore / Pakistan between 1959 and 1962 . In 1966 he married Mubarika Mani in Rawalpindi / Pakistan. He is the father of a daughter named Maheen Pfeffer-Sheikh (* 1977). She is a lawyer in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

After training at the German Press Agency (DPA) in Hamburg in 1969, Pfeffer then worked as an editor in the foreign section of the news magazine Der Spiegel . The focus was on South Asia and the Middle East.

Since 1970 he has reported as a foreign correspondent from Islamabad / Pakistan. In numerous reports in 1970/71, Pfeffer wrote in detail about the fatal attacks and blatant human rights violations by the Pakistani army against the civilian population in what was then East Pakistan . Pfeffer's main focus was the Indo-Pakistani War in 1971 . He criticized the dictatorial behavior of Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in 1972/73. In response, his government expelled him in 1973. Pfeffer returned to the international section of the news magazine “ Der Spiegel ” in Hamburg.

In 1975 Pfeffer moved to the editorial office of Stern magazine in Hamburg . There he reported u. a. as a reporter from Uganda on the murder of Archbishop Janani Lawum (* 1922 † 1977) on the orders of the Ugandan dictator Idi Amin Dada after a public tribunal on February 16, 1977 in the sports stadium of Kampala.

In 1978 Karl-Robert Pfeffer left the star and became a freelance journalist foreign correspondent based in Beirut / Lebanon. He wrote extensive articles and analyzes on the Lebanese civil war . He also undertook research with the aim of getting direct access to the leading terrorists Abu Nidal and Carlos .

Pfeffer's main interest was in the international arms trade , including German arms companies, in this crisis region. In 1979 he planned to publish a book with a German publisher. Shortly before these interviews, he was murdered on the street in front of his apartment in Beirut on May 24, 1979 by a Palestinian special unit. On March 14, 2008, the Brussels-based organization “Disparition de journalistes de devoir de mémoires” confirmed in writing to the German journalist Reimar Oltmanns [Graz] that Karl Robert Pfeffer had been commissioned by the “Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine” (PFLP) under the leadership of Georg Habasch was murdered.

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