Robert Seemann

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Robert Seemann (born December 7, 1945 in Vienna ; † December 20, 2010 ibid) was an Austrian mineralogist, speleologist and petrograph.

Seemann first studied chemistry and physics from 1964 and then mineralogy and petrography at the University of Vienna . In 1974 he received his doctorate ( De Genese der Pyrite der Karst areas of the northern Limestone Alps ). From 1971 he was in the mineralogical-petrographic department of the Natural History Museum in Vienna, where he became curator of the petrographic collection in 1978 and later also of the deposit collection. In 1996 he became a councilor. In 2004 he became director of the mineralogical-petrographic department. He organized several large exhibitions.

In 1982 he received the Gold Medal of Merit of the Republic of Austria .

Among other things, he dealt with minerals and mining in the Tauern and was also active there at the Hochfeld show mine . As a cave researcher, he was particularly concerned with caves in the Limestone Alps, the Alistrati cave and the Charkadiou cave ( Tilos island , dwarf elephant finds ) in Greece and the Al Hoota cave in Oman (Speleoman project also for tourist development).


  • Franz Brandstätter, Gerhard Niedermayer, Ludovic Ferrière, Rudolf Pavuza, Herbert Sattmann: In memoriam Robert Seemann, Annalen Naturhist. Museum Wien A, Volume 114, 2012, pp. 5–20, pdf

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