Roberto Bonini

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Roberto Bonini (born January 29, 1934 in Ostiglia ; † May 3, 2005 ) was an Italian legal scholar , legal historian and professor at the University of Bologna .


Bonini finished his law studies at the University of Bologna in 1956 with the Tesi di laurea on divisible and indivisible obligations in Roman law . He then worked in Bologna as a research assistant to Ugo Brasiello , and later to Enzo Nardi and Giuseppe Ignazio Luzzatto . Under Luzzatto, Bonini acquired the libera docenza in 1964 , which allowed him to teach at universities. He then took on his first teaching posts at the Universities of Modena and Sassari before working as an associate professor in Modena from 1966. From 1976 he taught and researched as a full professor of Roman law at the University of Bologna. There he was director of the Istituto Giuridico for six years , and from 1983 to 1992 he was dean of the Bolognese law faculty. At the beginning of the 1990s, Bonini shifted his research focus and switched to the chair for Italian legal history in Bologna. In 2005 he succumbed to the consequences of his Parkinson's disease . Bonini was an honorary doctor from the University of Granada .

Works (selection)

At the beginning of his research career, Bonini researched and published mainly on Roman law, in particular on the age of Justinian . He later devoted himself increasingly to the history of modern codification and modern Italian legal history.

  • Ricerche di diritto giustinianeo . Giuffrè, Milan 1968 (Italian).
  • Introduzione allo studio dell´età giustinianeo . Pàtron, Quarto Inferiore 1977 (Italian).
  • Contributi di diritto giustinianeo . Giuffrè, Milan 1990 (Italian).
  • Il diritto privato e le sue fonti dall'illuminismo alla fine del Regno Napoleonico d'Italia . Giuffrè, Milan 1990 (Italian, published posthumously).
