Rodolphe Kasser

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Rodolphe Kasser, 2007

Rodolphe Kasser (born January 14, 1927 in Yverdon-les-Bains ; † October 8, 2013 ) was a Swiss coptologist who was primarily active in the field of philology , but also archeology .

From 1963 to 1997, Kasser held the only Swiss professorship in Coptic Studies at the University of Geneva . From 1965 he directed the work of the Mission Suisse d'Archéologie Copte in Kellia .

Under his direction, the Coptic texts of the Gospel of Judas, which were discovered near the city of Al-Minya in Middle Egypt , were deciphered for three years . The manuscript was published by National Geographic in Washington, DC in 2006.

He was a member of the German Archaeological Institute .

Fonts (selection)

  • L'Évangile selon Thomas. Presentation et commentaire théologique . Neuchâtel 1961, OCLC 715814726 .
  • L'Évangile selon Saint Jean et les versions coptes de la Bible . Neuchâtel 1966, OCLC 1029104510 .
  • Dictionnaire auxiliaire étymologique et complet de la langue copte . Geneva 1967, OCLC 63263016 .
  • as editor with Marvin Meyer and Gregor Wurst : The Gospel of Judas. From the Codex Tchacos . Wiesbaden 2006, ISBN 3-939128-60-0 .


Web links

supporting documents

  1. Archéo Facts: Regard sur le passé et l'avenir du Castrum d'Eburodunum , French , accessed on December 25, 2015