Roland Gregory Austin

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Roland Gregory Austin (* 1901 ; † May 10, 1974 ) was a British classical scholar .

After studying at Balliol College , Oxford , Austin was first a lecturer at the University of Glasgow , then Professor of Latin Philology at the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire in Cardiff (1934–1955), most recently Professor of Latin Philology at the University of Liverpool (1954 -1968).

Austin's main field of work was text editing ( Cicero , Quintilian , Virgil ) and Vergil commentary; He is considered one of the leading interpreters of Virgil in the 20th century and for a long time set the standard for English-language commentary on Latin texts.


Critical editions with commentary

  • Arma . Ediderunt RG Austin, WM Lindsay . Paris 1926 (Glossaria Latina. Vol. 2). - It is the Arma glossary .
  • M. Tulli Ciceronis Pro M. Caelio Oratio . Edited by RG Austin. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1933, 2nd ed. 1952, 3rd ed. 1960, reprint 1988.
  • Quintiliani Institutionis oratoriae liber XII . Edited by RG Austin. Oxford 1948.
  • P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos Liber Primus . With a commentary by RG Austin. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1971, new edition. 1981, ISBN 019872117X , Google Books [1]
  • P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos Liber Secundus . With a commentary by RG Austin. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1964, reprint. 1980, ISBN 0198721064 . Google Books [2]
  • P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos Liber Quartus . Edited with a commentary by RG Austin. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1955, new edition. 1982, ISBN 0198721110 .
  • P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos Liber Sextus . With a commentary by RG Austin. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1977, reprint. 1986, ISBN 0198721285 .


  • Roman Board Games , in: Greece and Rome 1934.
  • Greek Board Games , in: Antiquity 14, 1940, 257-271. [3]


  • Siegmar Döpp : Austin, Roland Gregory (1901–74) , in: Robert B. Todd (ed.), The Dictionary of British Classicists , Bristol 2004, 35–36.
  • John Henderson : The way we were: RG Austin, In Caelianam , in: RK Gibson, Chr. Shuttleworth Kraus (Ed.), The classical commentary: histories, practices, theory . Brill, Leiden 2002 ( Mnemosyne , Supplementa, Vol. 232), ISBN 9004121536 , Google Books [4]